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Image by Johny Goerend
Abstract Paint

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  • “Snow White didn’t have to put up with this crap and she lived with 7 tiny men and a million animals

    “Snow White didn’t have to put up with this crap and she lived with 7 tiny men and a million animals!” The strange things we find ourselves saying in the middle of the night… In the lead up to the Equinox, the energies are becoming intensified and the veils as per usual become very thin between worlds. Celestial Reiki sessions have intensified as I’ve been channelling extremely high vibrational beings and bringing forth utterly woo-woo messages from other worlds. After a period of having to help process so much Earthy emotional trauma and karmic clearing, it’s been lovely to reconnect with them lot up there in full swing again! Mojo fully engaged! Over the past week I have been delighting in seeing so much activity, not just in mind’s eye but actually in front of me! Energy swirling around, orbs, elementals, spirits dancing around. It’s been lovely to watch the cats interacting with them too! Being an Animal Communicator, I get to hear some hilarious and often very sweet things from Maple and Zapp. Maple has delighted in taking midnight strolls up and down my spine, sitting on the back of my shoulder in search of the boop-button on my face. Quite often she wakes me up to tell me that she loves me and that I’m ‘really cute when I’m asleep’. I realise this is something I’m guilty of doing to her, so naturally she returns the sentiment. Last night was a little too much activity though as I was tag teamed by animals and the other worldly mob. I enjoy the little reassurances that my spirit team give me at quiet moments. Gentle taps on my bedside table, clinking and moving my crystals around, playing with my music. But a frickin light show and Spirit Disco with the cats at 2am was the final straw! “If you lot could set the coffee machine instead of keeping me up all night, that would be great!” It was at this moment I realised that the most disbelieving of all Disney movie moments was that the animals help you clean the house and bake pies. It actually looks more like Shreks Swap of Fairy-Tale creatures partying all night. Sleeping Beauty, my sweet patootie! Just another day in Wonderland. #AnimalCommunicator #AnimalCommunication #SpiritualHumour #Spirits #SpiritDisco #Spooks #Lightworker #Wayshower

  • Post Full Moon Energy August 2019

    So! How did everyone fare under the emotional energies of the spectacular Full Moon? Because of the recent ‘Planetary do-si-do’ in the sky, the joyous eclipses, portals and retrogrades we’ve endured this past month or two; we’ve been sifting through deep emotional core wounds, triggers and things holding us in the 3D matrix. This Full Moon helped to reconfirm everything with us. You may have continued to feel lots of deep core emotional releasing, vivid dreams and feeling wired. But alternately, you should hopefully be on a come down now, back to groundedness. Back to sanity and some form of ‘normalcy’ and balance within yourself, just much lighter from all you’ve let go of. It’s at this point we can start to pick up where we left off before so invasively having our emotional inner worlds turned upside-down. Mercury and its shadow has now buggered off so all of those plans you have been cooking up are good to go! Get your booty into action. It is important now to clean up your ‘Spiritual Hygiene’ and banish any ‘Voldemorts’ that have decided to attach to you or your home. We should be doing this daily, but sometimes when we become absorbed by emotional states, we miss stuff. We are Human Starseeds after all! Time to Sage Smudge and jump in that Salt Bath! Cleanse your Crystals and thank the shiny rocks for all of the support they have given you during this time. Engage in deep meditation, calling in your higher self and working with whatever is needed for you; Holy Fire, Light Rays, Angels, Guides, Star Beings – come one, come all! Plus, it’s the weekend! Let your hair down, go out and play in the sunshine! You most definitely deserve it! Well done everyone, sending you so much love, light and harmony. ~ The Wild Healer ~ ------------------------------------------------- For those looking to treat themselves to a lovely Cleansing Kit, click this link for spiritual goodies:

  • Energy Portal...

    The past few days leading up to the Partial Lunar Eclipse we’ve been in an extremely interesting energy portal. Most of the time I work in the minds-eye and connect to my guides through intuition and channelling. As this energy has intensified though I’ve been seeing energy so clearly in my physical eye. As clients are vocalising emotions and releasing them, I can see the whole room change colour because of them shifting their vibration. This morning I can see my own healing channel shooting out of my hands. Ultraviolet and Electric Blue swirling with streaks of Gold. It is important during this time to ground ourselves, connect into the lower chakras and kundalini energy. The higher realms are reaching down to us and streaming through exponentially clearer channels at this time. You may be feeling absolutely wired and disconnected to the world around you. Everything may feel topsy turvey, like you’ve fallen into wonderland. I sat outside for a few hours early this morning focusing on conscious breath and trying to bring myself down from cloud nine, only to find that I was sat talking to a tree that was humming, singing and glowing. The birds and dogs in the neighbourhood have such volume this morning, I can hear everything speaking so loudly and intensely. It’s like the conscious pulse and rhythm of life is streaming full blast. Everything feels so intense and heightened, you may be experiencing sensations of exhaustion followed up with jolts of nervous energy that needs to be released. You may also be experiencing vivid dreams, that don’t make much sense. Our subconscious is working on overdrive and we are purging final residues of things that have been blocking or distracting us for too long now. Our little bodies having been running ‘defragmentation programmes’ for a couple of weeks, clearing out the old and making space for new light. My Star Guides tell me that we are being fine-tuned, to make way and allow for this new wave of energy and communication to flow through us at a faster rate. We will start to be able to connect to higher realms on a wider spectrum, on a faster and clearer broadband. ~ The Wild Healer ~

  • What on Earth is going on up there?!

    I’ve tried to remain fairly quiet on social media during this intense planetary shit storm in the sky. Retrogrades, eclipses, new moons, full moons, solstice… it’s been a month-long energetic mouthful! Too many cooks in the kitchen, that is for sure! Unfortunately, it’s not ending any time soon either. I’m not going to unpack what it all means as there’s plenty of reading material out there, but what I will touch upon is the energy that we are all experiencing. I think the films ‘Bird Box’ or ‘The Purge’ are accurate (albeit slightly dramatic) representations of what we’re all going through right now! Everyone is running around outside becoming tormented by old wounds, triggers and inner demons and its extremely unsettling. Arguments, aggression, volatility, victim mode and emotional stabbing are rife! Those who have awakened to what’s happening have either sensibly booked a holiday or are trying to stay inside, away from the emotional chaos, remaining quiet and calm, breathing through their own internal storms, recognising triggers early and processing them. Metamorphosis is an ugly internal process, just remember the beauty of what appears on the other side. Birth, Death and Rebirths are traumatic events but when the storm calms, there is so much beauty to behold. On the plus side, there have been some wonderful energetic events that have opened portals of creativity and granted us stronger connections to higher realms. I have been having extremely vibrant Hogwarts visitors recently! Spirits, Guides, Angels and Galactics including the Lyrans and even an appearance from Attila the Hun! He’s an intriguing fellow! Never did I think that waking up to find ancient warriors next to your bed as a ‘job perk’ before, but I’ll take it all the same! I will be following up with a couple more blogs about these individuals and also some of your healing channels we’ve been accessing, they’re truly breath taking! I tend to become absorbed in the Reiki Babe Cave and forget to tell you lovely lot about our Multi-Dimensional Travels. Quietly exploring Crystal Cities, Ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Enchanted Forests, Underwater Worlds and all of the magical beings we talk to. For now though Kids, lay low if you’re having a rough ride. Put down social media, it is simply a window that causes you to absorb other people's emotions. If you are an Empath or Clairsentient, you will be struggling to differentiate between your own emotions and those you are absorbing from others. Pretend you are back in the 90’s, get outside and play in the sunshine! Mother nature will welcome you with open arms. Ground yourself, have salt baths, stay hydrated, eat well, avoid drama. The Wild Healer’s Online Store is chock full of goodies to help you get through this! If you are in need of a little more support, remember that we’re always here if you need healing and bringing back into alignment. (Oh, and we also have that Chamomile Iced Tea you all enjoy! xx) Lots of Love ~ The Wild Healer ~

  • Full Moon, Solstice and Galactic Alignment...

    Last night as I lay in bed, I stared into the darkness and it came to life. Depending on where we are in the lunar and planetary cycles, the energy can completely affect the veil and what we are able to perceive. When we are within the energy of the full moon and cycles that bring more light, we are able to connect with the other realms with ease. At the moment we are approaching Solstice (Saturday 22nd June), and we are in alignment with the Galactic Centre, so downloads and communications are on high end. Last night I watched multiple worlds and dimensions swirl around me simultaneously existing and interacting with one another. Guides, Angels and Spirits poured through the Gateway, Vortexes opened and closed, Sacred Geometry and Coding whirred about like a ‘Disney’ wind blowing through; full of colour and song. Pops of sparkle and energy bursting into view. It was truly a beautiful spectacle to observe. Spirit Disco, Galactic Fireworks, Seizures? Whatever you want to call it, it was magnificent. The energy of this full moon is bringing a particularly creative spark through at the moment, again, highlighted by being compelled to write about it! The past few months have been dense and drawn out. At times it has felt like we are holding our breathes under a body of water. Like the magnificent Cetaceans we share this world with, we resurface. Take a breath. Catch ourselves. Recalibrate and realign to the light while it’s here and we are submerged once again into the unknown darkness. In the tussle of equilibrium between the light and dark energies, it is a testament to how much light we have here on the planet, when we are hit with harder dark times. For now though, rejoice in the wonderful light we are being bathed in. Connect to love, connect to harmony and feel lighter. Observe your animals and how they are behaving at this time. Maple has taken to rolling around on her back and flirting, and Zapp is smooching on as many things as possible! Go for a walk amongst nature, listen to the trees, the birds, the ocean. Everything is feeling this shift. Revel in it. Open your heart and mind and drink in the wonders that are before you. In Alchemical Practice, connect to your inner Magician and cast out a lure, opportunity is vast and abundant at this time. Make the most of it! ~ The Wild Healer ~

  • Being absorbed by an emotional state...

    When you raise and elevate your level of consciousness, you become more aware of yourself and how you interact with people and your surroundings. Our conscious thoughts are so powerful, and we need to start having more of an open understanding about this. At the moment I seem to be observing a lot of people coming out of their ‘dark night’ and entering their new phase of light. New opportunities are arising and are extremely positive and very uplifting. However, due to human nature and our survival instinct, we learn from experience. Quite often we enter new phases after this 'dark night' transition with trepidation or fear of repeated trauma. Our mindset can become static and we can sometimes continue to carry emotions of the past into the future, which ultimately will affect our present experience. Every day is an opportunity for us to experience joy and light. When we allow ourselves to be controlled by lower, denser frequencies, it won’t matter how much beauty we are surrounded by or how many wonderful things enter our life, because we are focusing on the negatives. Our experience of life is purely dependent on where we chose to look or how we chose to view things. Energy flows where attention goes. Now this doesn’t mean that we should ignore deep seated issues or refuse ourselves a grieving period. We must process how we feel, heal and move on. Otherwise we simply are allowing ourselves to live within trauma, never letting it go. Let’s break down a light-hearted example of progression for this energy: If you’ve had a bad day at work, you might come home in a terrible mood. But what happens when this mood is extended? It can become a ‘bad work week’, which if not reassessed or let go of, can become impactful on your perception of the role that you play at work. You might then find that you are no longer enjoying your job and it becomes a deeper phase. Your bad day at work can accumulate to a point where you no longer like your job or the people you are surrounded by. This could then start to impact on your home life and eventually affect your perceptions of life outside of work. This can be applied to anything. One timeless way to remove yourself from ‘the little grey bubble’ is to pull the pin. Step away, go for a walk. Connect to nature. Look to the sky and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Take some deep breathes and be with your own energy. Connect to joy again. Some people may need more time and opt for a break away from a situation. When you have recalibrated, you are a little more able to see past your dark day and really truly assess what’s going on around you. Do you need to change factors in your life or your mindset towards them? It’s very easy to become consumed by an emotion or situation. However, the key to eject yourself from the dimension or emotional state you are absorbed by, is realisation that you are in it. ‘Snap out of it!’ This may sound easy on the surface of things, but when you are immersed, it can prove very difficult and often the little ‘Bastard Voice’ that sits on your shoulder can creep in and remind you of old wounds or triggers. Try living in ‘The Notice Period’. I came up with this concept a few years ago and is a term I use frequently. If you hate your job, everything around you niggles. People, the work load, your role, energy levels; everything takes a downward trajectory. The second you hand your notice in, void your contract and choose to leave the work place; it’s an instant lightening. It’s like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Things don’t irritate you as much because you know that you will be leaving soon, and actually you start to appreciate things with an element of nostalgia. Nothing has changed, all you have done is terminated a contract of service or exchange of energy. What has changed though, is your mindset toward the situation. When you stop focusing on the thing that is causing you friction and start pouring your energy into life and circumstances beyond this moment in time, you have shifted your vibration to a lighter one. One that is seeking newer, better things and freeing your mind of what ails you. If we can apply ‘The Notice Period’ to other aspects of our life, we stop focusing on the things that bother us and try to connect to what we enjoy instead. This is conscious thought in its simplest form. We are choosing to see the good in things, we are changing how the brain is perceiving its surroundings. We have the power to create our own reality; Heaven or Hell on Earth. We each have the power to live strong, happy and authentic lives. We also have the power to cage ourselves and live within a state of misery. What are you giving your power to? #Direction #empowerment #emotions #Emotions #Alchemy #Energy #EnergyHealing #Energyrelease #EnergyWork #energy #EnergyWorker #EnergyForecast #Lightworker #LightCode #LightCodeActivation #Light #LoveandLightFrequency #LightFrequency #Enlightenment #Ascension #SpiritualEnlightenment #EmissaryofLight #Consciousness #Subconscious #Consciousthought #emotionalstate #emotionalstates #Connection

  • Aradia, Queen of the Witches and Goddess of the Moon...

    Channelled Message from Ara: All around you are the spirits of nature, they live inside and out. All around you, there is peace child, you will never be without. Connect again to the souls who free. Connect to me, and let your spirit see. All that is and all that was, and who you once became. Those who cast the shadows out, simply fear the flame. We shall not be suppressed, thou shalt not be condemned. We shall not fear the darkness, for we are one with them. Peace and love and truth are a unity, a trinity. We can walk the darkness, for only us can see. We keep it close, this light we bear. Our souls are one connected, our true birth here and now must always be protected. Ara here to walk the lands, free yourself, put up your hands. Raise yourself to the highest skies, free your soul from their lies. Keep me close and I will guide, you will always return to the light. Sweet child of mine, heal who are without hope. Heal all who’ve swung upon the rope. Bring faith and healing for those with non, walk your path out in the sun. We shall not sink, we are too strong. We must rise now. Rise now. Rise now. ~ The Wild Healer ~ Artist Credit: @natalieshau #TheWildHealer #Aradia #Ara #TheHighPriestess #HighPriestess #Goddess #MoonGoddess #Moonology #ChannelledMessage #Channel #ChannelledMessages #GoddessRising #Ascension #NewAge #Wayshower #Lightworker #LightCode #LightCodeActivation #SpiritualEnlightenment #Light #LoveandLightFrequency #EmissaryofLight #LightFrequency #Enlightenment

  • Get Higher...

    I’m thinking of starting an: - ‘I don’t know’ - ‘Yeah, but...’ - ‘I don’t understand why this is happening to me’ - ‘But that happened years ago’ Payment Jar... A dollar for each time these things are said during sessions and all proceeds go to charity! 😂 Reaching higher states of consciousness is not magical, fluffy or comfortable. We must confront ourselves over and over and over again until we are the clearest channel for spirit to exist within. Recognising bad thoughts, behaviours and patterns is step one. Many think that to deal with this, we must ignore anything bad within us and think only good things. This is an incorrect form of manifestation and a one way ticket to denial island. If we are ignoring experiences and aspects of ourselves, we are creating blockages. Avoiding your triggers isn’t healing. Healing happens when you are triggered but you are able to move through the pain. Understand it, break the pattern and change your reactions, perceptions and attitudes towards your baggage. It’s called en•LIGHT•enment and ASCEN(d)•sion for a reason. To vibrate higher we must confront that which is heavy and holding us down, let go and heal. As above, so below So within, so without As the universe, so the soul ~ The Wild Healer ~ (Photo Credit: @sarashakeel) #Ascension #Enlightenment #SpiritualEnlightenment #Lightworker #LightCode #LightCodeActivation #Light #LoveandLightFrequency #EmissaryofLight #LightFrequency #EnergyHealing #Energy #energy #Energyrelease #EnergyWork #EnergyWorker #EnergyForecast #Lessonstolearn #VibrateHigher #HigherSelf #HighPriestess #HighVibration #HigherSelves #Galactics #GalacticBeings #Protection #SelfLove #Loveyourself #Love #ReikiHealing #Reiki #DarwinReikiPractitioner #DarwinReiki #Connection #Wayshower

  • The New Light...

    Much has been learned and much has been released this Mercury Retrograde. We are coming to the surface now as Mercury will finally go direct again on the 28th March. For so long it feels like we have been holding our breath while diving into the depths of our emotional pool. Hopefully you have emerged feeling lighter in your emotional baggage. It has been a very purging time for everyone connecting with deep internal wounds that have sat in our core. Facing the demon that causes us so much internal pain and conflict is brave and vastly healing, so well done for getting through this extremely potent time. The caterpillar must endure struggle and transformation so that it can break out of it’s chrysalis lighter and able to fly to new heights. This has been an uncomfortable time for many, sitting with our darkest shadow. When you look at something, you understand it. When you look at something from more angles, you understand on another level. With understanding comes compassion. When we are compassionate for why we have been presented with our life lessons, we can project gratitude for how they have shaped us. This disrupts and changes old emotional programming, belief systems and conditioning. We are no longer the same. There is a new light. A peaceful dawn. An inner stillness that was not there before. We feel different. Calm and understanding of ourselves and all that we have been through up until this point. We have taken the time to release fear for what has held us back and now we can begin to step into new and joyous experiences. We are each accountable for our own happiness. The time for pointing fingers and blaming others for our emotions has passed. Breathe deep and know that you, and only you have bought yourself to this point. No one else can heal you in the way that you can heal yourself. Only you have control of your mind and only you have control of how you interact with and see the world. Choose love and you will be met with love. When you elevate your heart, your mind, and your soul, you will achieve harmony, balance and alignment. This is your connection to Universal Love Consciousness. ~ The Wild Healer ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • The Conscious Clairsentient...

    To be a Clairsentient is both a blessing and a curse. We feel everything so deeply. This isn’t your typical empathic, connectedness to emotions or sensitivity. I literally mean we feel EVERYTHING. I had a woman sit with me for a Card Reading yesterday and I could feel the nerve damage in her neck from a motorbike accident she had years ago. I wasn’t touching her, I wasn’t actively healing her but by merging with her energy briefly, I could feel the intensity of the pain in my own body. For any of you who have come for a Celestial Reiki session with me, you will know what i’m talking about because you see me hopping up and down when I unlock trauma from old wounds. I can feel everything that is going on in your body. Back pain, headaches, broken bones, tattoos, car crashes, miscarriages, terminations, cancer, pregnancy. You name it, I feel it. The worst is when I have the beautiful fitness junkies pop in to see me after squatting all weekend…!! (You know who you are!) Not only do I feel your physical body but your emotional frequency too. I don’t even have to be in the same room as you to know how you’re feeling. I feel your anxiety, happiness, sadness, grief, nervousness… even if you think it’s well hidden from the world by your mask you wear each day. There are no secrets around a Clairsentient. I work with harmony and with truth. Truth isn’t always pretty, but it is always truth. If you are willing to pull down your walls and take off your mask, I am willing to feel all of your pain, accept you as you are, love you in totality and heal you. This is my life purpose. To love unconditionally. To feel and to heal. #Clairsentient #Clairvoyant #Clairaudio #Empath #Love #SelfLove #Loveyourself #LoveandLightFrequency #Connection #Connecting #2019 #Shadows #Enlightenment #Cleansing #Cleanse #Clear #Clearing #ReikiHealing #CrystalHealing #Healer #AnimalHealing #TheWildHealer #Healing #EnergyHealing #energy #EnergyForecast #EnergyWorker #EnergyWork #Energy #Energyrelease

  • International Women's Day

    This morning I would love to express my gratitude for having the opportunity to work with such amazingly strong and beautiful women. I am humbled by your ability to share your struggles, let down your walls and wash away fear through the wonderful gift of healing. So many of you are fighting battles that no one else knows about. If only you knew how truly powerful you are. Embrace everything it means to be a women, in whatever style you rock it. It is your divine right to be exactly who you are and be loved unconditionally. From my heart to yours, I honour you in all of your magnificence and I thank you for shining your incredible light out into the world. ~ The Wild Healer ~

  • Energy Forecast March 2019

    So! How did everyone handle that extremely emotional time? I did try to tell people in my last post to take cover for the Super Moon… There is soo much purging going on at the moment. So much shedding and processing of deep issues, behavioural patterns and old emotions. Hopefully you should all be much clearer after this and feel the warmth on your skin as you heal from your wounds in this new light that is entering our world. As you start to open up to this higher vibration, you will awaken to new opportunities and harmony in decision making. This is because you know now what is for your highest good and what will hold you back in the 3D. We all have free will though, of course, that is the human code of ethics. So if you choose to go back to old habits and enter into negative emotional patterns, it’s kind of on you really. That’s why lessons loop around like a spiral. They will come back and you can try again next time. Buddha has been coming through in my Channels recently. He always has a magnificent way of being ultimately metaphorical and yet right on the nose with directness. “Holding on to something that does not serve you is like holding on to hot coal. Only you will feel pain and only you will suffer the wounds of holding on for longer than you should. Just let it go.” - Channeled Message from Buddha, The Wild Healer (2019). Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news… but heads up because we are about to head into Mercury Retrograde! Don’t worry though, this one won’t be so bad, it will be a good time to assess areas of your life that need more organising. Quite often in these emotional moments, we take our eye off the ball. Naturally we leave aspects of our life unattended and they start to grow weeds. Now is a good time to prune back, fine tune and reassess everything in complete harmonious alignment. You will find that this retrograde won’t affect your emotions as much because we’re already on high alert to step away from volatile situations. Deep breathes, you can do this. Marie Kondo’s - “Clean this non joyous shit up, how is your room so frickin’ messy?!” documentary on Netflix is a great place to start! ~ The Wild Healer ~ #2019 #Buddha #Channel #ChannelledMessage #ChannelledMessages #EnergyForecast #energy #Energy #EnergyWorker #EnergyWork #EnergyHealing #Energyrelease #Purging #Cleansing #Cleanse #Clearing #Clear #Light #LoveandLightFrequency #LightFrequency #Ascension #SpiritualEnlightenment #Enlightenment #VibrateHigher #LightCode #Lightworker #EmissaryofLight #LightCodeActivation #MercuryRetrograde #March2019

  • ✨Atlantis and Lemuria ✨

    I channeled a message on Friday that spoke of our treatment towards Mother Earth, her precious oceans and all of the beautiful creatures it holds. We are all shifting and evolving to higher vibrational frequencies, including the animals. Something we can no longer continue to ignore though is how we interact with our surroundings. Observe the current global disasters... Australia is simultaneously on fire and under water. America has frozen over. There are Oxygen Dead Zones across the Pacific and new islands are being formed out of plastic and waste product. 150 acres of Rainforest is destroyed every minute of every day... (to name a few!) We cannot continue to wear crowns, call ourselves Queens, fill up on Self Love and forget the Mother who provides for us. If we are in fact divine, loving beings raising the vibration and consciousness of the planet, we must also be brave enough to admit that at some point we have contributed to her demise. She is bountiful and abundant and gave us life. What are we doing for her? How can we show gratitude and repay her in kind? We have the opportunity to make changes the Atlanteans and Lemurians didn’t make. We can chose to turn away from institutionalised cruelty and move towards a world filled with greater love and respect. A world where we protect nature, instead of viewing it as a resource to be exploited however we please. Imagine if our societal values transformed, not through disaster and devastation, but for love and kindness of all sentient beings. To quote every 90’s beauty pageant ever: “What is the one most important thing that our society needs?” World Peace ✌🏼 ~ The Wild Healer ~ #WorldPeace #LoveandLightFrequency #Light #LightCode #Lightworker #SpiritualEnlightenment #EmissaryofLight #LightCodeActivation #energy #EnergyWorker #EnergyWork #EnergyHealing #Energyrelease #2019 #Truth #HigherSelves #TheHighPriestess #HigherBeings #HighPriestess #HigherSelf #HighVibration #Love #SelfLove #Wayshower #MotherEarth #Earth #Nature #Protection #ClimateChange #AnimalWelfare #AnimalKingdom #AnimalCare #AnimalHealing #Animals #AnimalReiki #Future

  • Animals and the comfort zones we allow ourselves…

    Now, I like to keep my page fairly neutral and non opinionated but I received a comment on one of my posts indicating that someone was ‘offended’. (The true crime of 2019) It got me thinking… perhaps it’s time to stop dancing around peoples comfort zones where animals are concerned. I started this company to be a voice for the animals. I am an Animal Communicator, Animal Welfare Advocate, a Vegetarian and sell only earth friendly products in my online store. I have spent many years dedicating my life, my education, my money and time working with all animals. I have worked for conservation, rescue and rehabilitation centres all over the world. My life mission is to encourage understanding of animal behaviours, welfare standards, ethics and our relationship we have with all animals. I have set up a company that highlights the spiritual relationships we can have with all sentient beings, opening up yet another channel for understanding the beautiful creatures we share this planet with. Now that I’ve got that off my chest… Lets talk comfort zones. - Domestication - Farming - Zoos - Invasive Species Handling - Food Resources - Aquaculture - Animal Testing - Cultural and Religious Practices - Traditional Eastern Animal Medicines - Clothing - Pesticides - Habitat Destruction (…the list goes on!) Where do we all sit on these matters? Where are our comfort zones? What do we do on a daily basis that contributes to the betterment of animal welfare? How can we continue to better our relationship with animals? I promised myself that I wouldn’t slather this page with my opinions or videos of controversy that upset people. So heres your chance. Fill your boots! I’d like you all to comment on this post: Animal Charities, Scientific Journals, News Stories, Videos, Pictures, Experiences. You name it, go for it! What have you found that contributes to our understanding of any or all of the matters listed above? Let’s start a conversation…

  • What are you plugged into?

    I’m finding that my social media feeds are becoming very ‘affecting’. Each day I wake up, look at my phone and think 🤷🏼‍♀️ what’s the point? We sit and mindlessly scroll looking for news, information, inspiration, something entertaining. The more I’ve done this, the more I’ve zoned out and actually noticed the placement of arguments or negative triggers. Today’s example has been a very intense amping up of Christianity vs the New Age. If I was from another planet reading my feed this morning, it would appear as though this is a traumatic war or that I follow a huge amount of hate speech for either side. The truth is, I’m very neutral about all religions. I believe in love as a vibration and that’s about it. I tell my clients that anything they resonate with in our sessions, take it. If it doesn’t sit with your soul, throw it out. There’s never any force. This morning I see so much hate from both sides of these belief systems and both claim to love. I find the whole notion completely bizarre. I paused to think about why I was being shown this... is there a significant date today? 29/01/2019... sure there’s some repetition in there but I wouldn’t say significant. I’m now baffled as to either the synchronicity of this or the placement of social media algorithms. It’s not selling me something, it’s trying to find an argument that I have a connection to and agitate me with it. What an epic form of manipulation! All of this information is sinking into our grey matter, our subconscious. How easy it is to form opinions or wage people against each other... and for what reason? In this day and age we have to be more careful than ever to stay focused on ourselves, what we genuinely believe in or feel to be truth. We are so influenced by advertising and political agenda. It’s time to take control of our thoughts and minds. Switch off, reboot and plug ourselves into a more harmonious source. Nature, intuition and our higher selves. #2019 #Universe #Beyourbestself #energy #EnergyWork #EnergyWorker #EnergyHealing #Energy #Energyrelease #LoveandLightFrequency #Light #LightCode #Lightworker #SpiritualEnlightenment #LightCodeActivation #EmissaryofLight #Wayshower #Nature #Intuition #TheHighPriestess #HigherBeings #HighPriestess #HighVibration #HigherSelf #HigherSelves #Manipulation #Subconscious #Truth #NewAge #Christianity #Religeon #Love #SelfLove #Loveyourself #SocialMedia #Inspiration #Connecting #Connection

  • Encountering Uncas...

    Last week after returning from a short break away, I was thrown back into the deep end and hit with more downloads and intense conversations with my Arcturian and Pleiadian guides. I don’t know if it’s this intense moon energy but spirit disco is in full swing. There are flashes of electric blue everywhere, fairies, Angels, my guides, your guides, even the animals are more chatty than usual! Last Friday was an amazing experience, and even though I get to channel wonderful beings on a daily basis, there can always be an element of surprise with the work. During a Tarot Card Reading my client’s guide was very intense with his presence and most definitely wanted to be acknowledged, so I gave him space to come through with messages and I started to describe him. He was a Native American, his energy was very different to all other’s that i’ve encountered. He was a warrior, and connected to the beat of the war drum. He had a dark shadow of paint across his eyes and wore black. He had raven feathers and red material tied through his hair. I asked for his name, and clear as a bell I was given: “UNCAS” …Well, hearing this my client near fell off her chair! stunned, she asked me to repeat the name. Uncas, had been an important character that she had resonated with since she was very young and unknowingly, he has always been her guide. It turns out that i’m not so in the know about Native American culture and history as I should be…and that my ‘classic movie’ knowledge is pretty poor. Uncas (1588— c. 1683) was a Sachem or Head Chief of the Mohegan Tribe. He made the Mohegans the leading regional Indian tribe in lower Connecticut, through his alliance with the English colonists in New England. His story is what inspired James Fenimore Cooper's 1826 novel “The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757“ and then later, a film directed by Michael Mann “The Last of the Mohicans” (1992). It’s safe to say that this journey will never stop blowing my socks off! Not only do I get to work with the most amazing people, but their stories and connections bring me more joy than I ever imagined.

  • 2019

    Happy New Year! ✨ Welcome 2019, the year of The Divine Self. We have endured the final shedding of karmic debris, undergone final stages of life lessons and now we are free to grow into our own strength. Gone are the days of lighting the way for others. We are emerging into a time of connecting our selves, our souls to our truest paths. Worshiping our own bodies, our temples and filling our own life with light. We will now lead by example, emerging from the flames stronger, more connected and at peace with who we truly are. Once upon a time we would have dulled our shine to make others comfortable with our power, our presence, our gifts. But no more. We are stepping away from what no longer serves us and into a strong and harmonious frequency. Call upon The High Priestess to travel within. Dive into the subconscious, and immerse yourself fully with the true meaning of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine. Sun and Moon. Light and Dark. We must venture deep internally and pull our light from the darkness. We mustn’t fear the dark, instead we must embrace it and accept it as a part of life. Here we will find Equilibrium. Peace. Prosperity. Abundance. Alchemy. We will be encouraged to take all inner growth learned and express it out into the world. Be prepared to see some major shifts this year. If you continue to cling to the 3D, materialism, ego or denser lower vibrations, you will be left behind. When we are in alignment with our Higher Selves and express our authenticity, we are able to manifest this energy into the physical. When guided by ourselves, our intuition, our gut feel, we are really connecting to the universal source, the christ consciousness, love and light frequency. This high vibrational energy has the power to not only change us, but the whole world. It’s time to rise… ~ The Wild Healer ~ #2018 #2019 #Divine #Light #3D #5D #Equilibrium #Peace #Prosperity #Abundance #Alchemy #LightCode #Lightworker #SpiritualSass #SpiritualWarrior #TheHighPriestess #HighPriestess #Spirit #SpiritualEnlightenment #SpiritGuides #Galactics #GalacticBeings #HigherBeings #Ascension #EnergyWorker #Angels #12D #Upgrades #Empath #SoulAlignment #Intuition #Darkness #SacredFeminine #SacredMasculine #Frequency #Vibration #HighVibration #LoveandLightFrequency

  • May your days be merry and bright...

    Since about Halloween the energy has been dark and thick and overwhelming for a lot of us. Times have been very trying and our emotions, stress levels and ability to cope have very much been tested as we collectively transcend ego and the 3D. Over the past couple of weeks the veils have been going through a lot of different shifts. Some days it sounds like they’re talking to me through soup! You may notice that you are experiencing a lot of ascension symptoms currently. I myself have been sleeping more than usual and very deeply. I wake with awareness of so many conversations about what needs to be done during the day. Self care was a big one over the weekend. Dropping the seasonal stress with salt baths, essential oils and healthy food. Caring for yourself and your body allows you to regain soul strength so that you are able to help shine light and lift those around you. The energy seems to have changed quite drastically this week, thanks to the Solstice today (21st). I think this may also be down a larger portion of people taking vacation and de-stressing! The fairies are the first things to show up when the veils start to thin again. They are everywhere and you know what, I’ve missed the little buggers. Yes, I can always connect with my guides and channel their messages, but it sometimes feels like it’s through dulled senses when the energies are up the wazoo. Spirit Disco is back in full swing now though! Flashes, pops and whirls of colour are filling my eyes again and it’s so wonderful to reconnect, like seeing an old friend for a hug! My Native American Guide, Ka-Atawa looks as though he could be physically stood right next to me while we talk. Don’t even get be started on the Galactics! Spirit keep singing ‘White Christmas’ to me. To be honest though, I’m glad to have back the brightly coloured sparkles and flashes for a multidimensional Christmas! ~ The Wild Healer ~

  • All in this together...

    Okay, well that’s enough trying to throw products at you for Christmas, lets get back to Woo Woo business. I’ve been rather quiet on social media, mainly because it’s been absolutely FLAT OUT! Partially because of that annoying thing in the sky that went Retrograde (Mercury - oh how we love to scold that little scallywag for things!), but also because you lot have had some rather testing and upsetting issues that have needed helping with. Look, I’m just going to come out and say Lord Voldemort’s real name… it’s CANCER. It appears to be everywhere at the moment. A lot of my clients, both animals and people either have cancer or are processing emotions of shock and despair for those close to them who have it. I remember thinking at this time of year that my mum was a bit weird. She used to always talk about how many people die right before Christmas. She used to point out the pattern every year and I always thought it was a bit strange. These days I’m surrounded by numerology, spooks and planetary alignments, I actually understand the waves and rhythms of things a little better now. As I’m sitting writing this, coffee in hand, Archangel Michael is stood to my right flashing his Blue Sparkle everywhere. They keep telling me ‘Katie, you have to write about the tough stuff too’. They’re right, they always are. While it’s important to try to bring harmony, and lift others up, sometimes we just need to acknowledge a hat-tip towards feeling crappy due to circumstances beyond our control. It is important to cry, trust me I’ve been doing plenty of that recently. Never apologise for tears. They are just emotions and energy leaving the body. If you push them down and ignore them, they become stored, and often manifest into a physical problem that you can’t ignore. What a lot of you are going through and dealing with right now is truly awful, and my sincere condolences for those suffering. I am here for any of you that need comfort, healing or just someone to talk to. This month has been extremely significant in terms of Numerology though. November is the 11th month in an 11year (2+0+1+8=11). These numbers connect to amplification, the Universe and the Almighty. While 11:11 is great for manifesting your dreams, connecting with the divine, meditating and intention setting they are not ruled only by good. The numbers 11:11 simply heighten or amplify energy, positive or negative. We’ve also encountered an extremely significant anniversary marking 100 years since the end of WW1 (11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th month, 1918). If you look at where we are in the year, its coming to the end, we are experiencing change of seasons, death and rebirth. We are also enduring Mercury Retrograde, now this little fellow digs up things that need addressing in our lives. It’s often painful, shedding and essentially leads to healing. Just FYI, no-one ever said healing wasn’t painful!! What I’m trying to say in a very round about way is that what we are feeling or going through at this time is being amplified, whether we have control over our circumstances or not. We are all just doing the best we can with what we know, so hold this in your heart. Treat others with love, kindness and compassion. Watch how simply shifting and taking responsibility for your own thoughts can help to not only raise your consciousness, but the consciousness of those around you. Sometimes life gets shitty, but it’s how we react to that shittyness that defines us. Remember, we are all in this together. Lots of Love ~ The Wild Healer ~ #Cancer #1111 #2018 #WW1 #MercuryRetrograde #Compassion #energy #EnergyWorker #EnergyWork #EnergyHealing #Energy #Energyrelease #Tears #DeathandRebirth #Medium #Love #Light #LightCode #Lightworker #SpiritualEnlightenment #EmissaryofLight #LightCodeActivation #Spirits #Spooks #ReikiHealing #Archangel #ArchangelRaphael #Archangels #Angels #HigherBeings #Clairvoyant #Controlyourthoughts #WooWoo #PsychicMedium #Empath #AnimalHealing #SpiritualWarrior #Lessonstolearn #Planets #Healer #Divine #Strength #DarwinPsychic #DarwinReikiPractitioner #Reiki #DarwinReiki #AnimalReiki

  • Welcome to Hogwarts, here is your spiritual manual...

    Ok! Well as Halloween is just around the corner, I recon it’s time to share some real life ghost stories with you lovely lot… 👻😱☠️ As many of you know, I’m from the UK (now living in Darwin, NT) where there are plenty of extremely old buildings steeped in history that come with their resident spooks. When I left home and moved to Cornwall to do my degree is when this Woo-Woo business got very real for me. I began living temporarily in an old hotel near the waterfront. It had quite old fashioned sea-side decor that was enough to give anyone the willies! I started to notice odd things happening. Strange noises at funny hours, doors opening or closing with no-one around, radios and tv’s turning on and off. At first I put it down to corridor drafts, other residents in the hotel or poor tv/radio signal due to weather. But then the winter season kicked in and it was just myself and the owners living in the hotel. The entrance area was always poorly lit and often when I came in of an evening I would for no reason feel terrified by a ‘presence’ and run up stairs to my room. On more than one occasion I would have a black shadow follow me. I then started to notice a white shadow figure stand behind me as I brushed my hair in the mirror and got ready in the mornings. I’d never seen a white one before, least of all in the day time! This one felt nice, she felt caring, it felt like she was smiling at me and looking after me. These sensations were bizarre - it was a white shadow… I was loosing the plot! Eventually, I swallowed my pride and sheepishly asked the owner if the place was haunted. I explained my encounters and she replied: “You are very tuned in aren’t you? Have you seen the children yet?” At this point I near pooped my pants, firstly because it was my fears confirmed, I wasn’t going crazy. Secondly, there were ghost children around!! *cue horror film screams* The owner explained that the row of seperate Hotels used to be all one building and served as a Hospital during the Second World War. The Spook that would haunt the entrance was called Terry. The owner managed to find old deeds that showed he was the man who owned everything. The hotel where I lived held true to the decor of that era and therefore was Terry’s favourite place to haunt. The kind and caring white shadow was a Nurse who worked at the Hospital. As I settled into what I was perceiving I began to see her figure more clearly each day. She didn’t bother me, in fact she was nice company at times. Now, the children who haunted the second floor decided to start playing games to get my attention. It’s not every day ghosts or spirits get acknowledgement, so when someone shows up with an interest in them, things get active! One evening I was up working late on an assignment in my room on the third floor. I heard a pair of quickened footsteps up the stairs, followed by several loud knocks at my door. Thinking it was the owners grandchildren coming to say hello, I stopped what I was doing to answer. …When I got to the door, there was no-one there. It’s safe to say I had a rather terrifying sleepless night. The next morning, the owner confirmed that I was the only person in the hotel as they were out playing darts and the grandchildren were not around. After this event, I started to regularly wake up at witching hour with faces hovering over me. It was honestly terrifying and sadly, once it's switched on… there is no off switch! In these instances we can only ground, clear protect and vibrate higher as to not attract darker energies. No one is there with a guide book in the beginning though. “Welcome to Hogwarts, here is your spiritual manual.” It’s all a learning curve down the rabbit hole to wonderland! #Halloween #Ghosts #Bumpinthenight #Spooks #Spirits #Spirit #Haunted #HauntedHouse #Horror #Scary #Ghouls #Hogwarts #SpiritGuides #SpiritualHumour #SpiritualEnlightenment #SpiritualSass #GhostHunter #GhostBuster #AllHallowsEve #Cornwall #Darwin #2018 #Vision #History #WW2 #WorldWar2 #Medium #Clairaudio #Clairvoyant #Clairsentient #PsychicMedium #Psychic #PsychicAustralia #DarwinPsychic #energy #EnergyWorker #Energy #EnergyHealing #EnergyWork #Angels #Shadows #WooWoo

  • Galactics, Archangels and Hogwarts...

    The Galactics have been coming through this week in full swing. I’ve really had to ask for patience with clients as I’m sounding way more bonkers than usual! The last couple of weeks have been a series of extremely intense energy sessions connecting to high level beings and channeling their messages. It knocks me for six! The Archangels seem to provide a safe amplification of energy to allow these messages to come through clearly. Raphael has been persistent with his Emerald Green Holy Fire, burning away that which no longer serves our highest good. Cleansing, grounding and protecting all involved during sessions. Metatron has then been able to amplify loving frequencies and help connect or bridge to the higher dimensions. I’ve noticed that the Pleiadians and Arcturians are connecting more frequently and are having a lot more involvement with upgrades, light code activations and downloads. Watching them work is truely fascinating and not to mention mind boggling! The other week I asked them to slow what they were doing so I could see the symbols they work with more clearly for my own personal curiosity and understanding. This didn’t help! I’ll give you an example of what it looked like… Lets say the symbol is a simple triangle. When you look at that triangle you are actually looking into thousands maybe even millions more symbols within that triangle. The triangle is merely an interface. Kind of like on a computer when you click a folder to access a file and within that file is a huge document of information. …I know right?! 🤯😳 (Yep - She’s lost the plot entirely) To think, this time last year I was working in a Law Firm and my biggest problem was battling the copy machine when it jammed up with paper… Who’d have thought that in such a short space of time I’d have ditched the 3D and enrolled onto a Degree at Hogwarts! #GalacticBeings #Galactics #Archangel #Archangels #ArchangelRaphael #ArchangelMetatron #Raphael #Metatron #Hogwarts #Connecting #Ascension #HigherBeings #Dimension #Dimensions #Energy #EnergyWork #EnergyHealing #EnergyWorker #Lightworker #SpiritualEnlightenment #SpiritGuides #SpiritualSass #SpiritualHumour #Love #SelfLove #3D #4D #5D #12D #PsychicMedium #DarwinPsychic #Reiki #ReikiHealing #DarwinReikiPractitioner #DarwinReiki #Healing #LightCode #LightCodeActivation #Multidimensional #Download #Upgrades #DNAActivation #AstralTravel #Planets #Divine #Angels #Pleiadians #Pleiadian #Arcturian #Arcturians #Light #AARaphael #Guides #Spirit #Spirits #TheWildHealer

  • Light work isn't always so light...

    This last couple of weeks has been such a mixed bag of energies and emotions. The planets are still busy shuffling, spinning and doing the Dosey-Doe across the sky which is causing mayhem enough… but their business is not changing our Ascension path. Our Spiritual Evolution doesn’t get put on pause, if anything it’s a way to test our inner strength. It’s a lesson into how we deal with human emotions, 3D vibrations around us and how we continue to connect to the Source. It’s a MEGA learning curve so well done to all of you for marching on during these trying of times. My Pleiadian Guides have pretty much decided that my time is up, I have to stop holding myself back and so I have been Voice Channeling during Healing sessions this past couple of weeks. Archangels Raphael and Michael are present during every Healing now. Clients have been asking what these green and blue lights are they’ve being seeing during sessions… yep - thats the Angels! In my personal time i’ve been working closely with Archangels Emmanuel and Metatron. Their frequency of love is like nothing i’ve experienced before. It’s made me understand that our language is so unflattering and words cannot comprehend or even begin to explain or filter through what kind of vibration they emanate. Now life is not all fluffy clouds and pixie dust. It has equal and opposing energies. Yin and Yang. One minute I can be channeling the Laughing Language of the Unicorns and their Fairy companions and the next I’m removing and releasing Reptilian entities and their hooks of manipulation. One of my biggest personal issues on the path to enlightenment is that no-one seems to talk about the dark stuff. No-one seems to explain that this is actually a normal part of life. If you walk down the street, you are exposed to a multitude of different characters. There are goodies and there are baddies out there. Heck! Look at Star Wars, even the Jedi have their Yodas and their Vaders. When you are a Lightworker, you will be exposed to the whole lot. It’s our job to filter the light down from the Heavens and into the darker denser parts of the Universe so we can lift the collective vibration to a lighter frequency, or at least maintain equilibrium. ✨🦋✨ ~ The Wild Healer ~ #EnergyHealing #Energy #ReikiHealing #Reiki #Light #Lightworker #Ascension #SpiritualEnlightenment #Pleiadians #Pleiadian #GalacticBeings #EmissaryofLight #SoulAlignment #Love #Archangels #Archangel #AAMichael #AARaphael #Metatron #Emmanuel #Angels #Reptilian #3D #5D #Activations #Planets #MercuryRetrograde #Healer #TheWildHealer #NorthernTerritory

  • Kindness is a language we can all speak...

    I’m excited for this week, it’s busy with beautiful clients, a new month is starting and were finally passed that lunar madness… for now. Monday has rolled around again and I will share with you another snippet of my communicating with animals journey. Today i’d like to show you a couple of cutie-pies I encountered when I was backpacking around Cambodia. These two were strays but had decided to take up residence at one of the places I was staying in Sihanoukville. This place was heaven! White sandy beaches, island exploring, fresh coconuts to drink, flying fish, sea eagles, snorkelling. I had to pinch myself at times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming! I stayed in a little beach hut that was about 10 steps from the ocean. Every morning I’d find these two and we’d play in the water and wrestle with sticks along the beach. They were very much their own bosses, they hadn’t attached themselves to any one human and therefore were comfortable roaming and playing with most people. However, i’m like Pied Piper for young children and animals. So often I find myself being followed around. Dog parks are a nightmare!! Anyway, these two would follow me anytime I tried to leave the place I was staying. I’d have to return them 3 or 4 times and ask someone to distract them so I could venture out into the cities or explore the temples. Unfortunately this is where the story gets a little dark… One evening, I went along to listen to some music at one of the night markets with a few really good friends I had made on my travels. It was an enjoyable evening until someone had managed to slip something in my drink. It’s every travellers worst night mare to be in a strange place in such a dangerous situation. Luckily I noticed the symptoms and was able to alert a friend who kindly escorted me back to where I was staying. I won’t go into details but it was pretty terrifying. I felt very lucky though because I was surrounded by Angels and these two didn’t leave my side the whole night. I asked them to protect me, and so they stayed with me till morning. They even slept outside my door, which is something they never did. Now I now this isn’t the most uplifting story but for me, it’s part of my journey. I found Heaven on Earth and while in Heaven, I went through Hell. The Irony of Yin and Yang. I know though, that no matter what my situation, I will always find comfort in the connection I have with animals. I’m sure there are many of you who have been saved by an animal at some point in your life. You may rescue a companion animal but often, its the animal that rescues you. There are many different ways they can save us. We hear stories of pods of dolphins that have protected swimmers from sharks. Service dogs are able to call an ambulance when their owner’s are having seizures. Gorillas have protected children that have fallen into enclosures at zoos. Whatever the situation, there is compassion. It is capable to come from both sides. If we are ‘the most intelligent being earth’ we need to start acting like it. We have been given a gift, we have an opportunity to work alongside all creatures, harmoniously. Kindness translates into any language, human or animal. It’s time to teach others to start speaking it. ~The Wild Healer ~ #AnimalCare #AnimalCommunicator #AnimalWhisperer #AnimalHealing #AnimalCommunication #AnimalReiki #AnimalKingdom #Animals #AnimalWelfare #AnimalSpiritGuides #ReikiHealing #DarwinReikiPractitioner #DarwinReiki #Reiki #Healer #TheWildHealer #Healing #EnergyHealing #Energy #5D #Travel #Wanderlust #Love #Communication #Compassion #Medium #Spirit #Beyourbestself

  • More on my journey as an Animal Communicator…

    This photo was taken when I was 16 and was backpacking around Argentina. For me, this experience helped me to understand my unique connection with animals. Everywhere I went, there was always a cry for love or help. I was a magnet for strays! Packs of street dogs would follow me around the cities. It got so bad that I was told off by my guide for attracting them and showing affection. If you’ve met me, you’d know this didn’t go down well. I was a feisty young one to say the least and no-one was going to tell me what I would or wouldn’t show love and kindness to! After realising that I wasn’t going to back down on this, my guide gave me space to just be. I knew she was trying to protect me but I also knew that the animals I was attracting weren’t ever going to hurt me. Once we left the cities and started hiking through the mountains these encounters with random animals became more and more serial due to how remote we were. At night time kittens would appear at the door of my tent, I’d drag them in for bed time cuddles and share breakfast with them before moving on the next day. I’ve said before that cats always just appear in my life, well being in different countries or trekking the Andes doesn’t change this! One day on our climb, out of nowhere a baby goat came running towards me yelling. She’d lost her mother and didn’t know what to do. I managed to calm her down and told her to follow me. We walked together for miles till we got to a small settlement where she was put with other goats and looked after. It became a bit of a joke in the group as to what would appear next. I always thought this was normal and that everyone experienced this. It made me sad in a way that not all people had or even wanted this connection with animals. That’s why it’s my job in this life to encourage others to understand what an amazing connection we have available to us. Times are changing, we are slowly realising what imprint we have on the planet and how our interactions affect our environment. This includes our relationship with other living creatures. “Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” - Arthur Schopenhauer #AnimalCommunicator #AnimalWhisperer #AnimalCommunication #AnimalKingdom #AnimalWelfare #AnimalCare #AnimalHealing #Animals #AnimalReiki #SpiritualSass #PsychicMedium #Kindness #Warrior #Destiny #Darwin #Boundaries #Reiki #Understanding #Abundance #Strength #SoulAlignment #EnergyHealing #Energy #Love #SelfLove

  • Rainbow the GPO...

    The Giant Pacific Octopus (GPO) is a creature I had the pleasure of working with for many years. They are magnificent beings, highly intelligent and wildly telepathic. I started working in Aquariums in the UK when I was just 18. I was also studying for my Degree in Wildlife Education and Science Media. Due to being completely fascinated by Cephalopods, I wrote my Dissertation on Behavioural and Environmental Enrichment for Captive GPO’s. Now, I could sit and chat for hours about their Muscular Hydrostats, Chromatophore functions and Radulas but the platform I have built with The Wild Healer allows me to talk about their ability to communicate with their minds. I fell in love with a young female GPO that I named Rainbow. She got got her name for being so vibrant and iridescent. I connected with her so strongly, it was a unique relationship. Many of the other keepers had a hard time trying to encourage her to climb out of the tank for presentations but Rainbow would shlep out of the water and climb all over me, no hesitations. I wore her octopus hickies with pride. Behind the scenes I would spend time tickling her and playing with different toys I’d made her. The things she was most fascinated by though, were the crystals I would wear as jewellery. She would pull herself up on to my shoulders, grab my necklace and spend ages holding the stones and looking deeply at them. After noticing her curiosity and interest in them, I would sneak her in more of my bigger quartz crystals. She would hold them for ages just feeling their energy. She’d never try and eat them, she knew it wasn’t food, she just connected. It was beautiful to see. Now being an Animal Communicator we were able to talk about things she was feeling around her. She could read the energy of people, other animals, health, life cycles, personalities and emotions. She knew what was going on in the building before i’d even told her. She really helped me to understand my own gifts. Her voice was very loud and clear and when she would speak it would feel like someone was physically poking me in my third eye chakra. A lot of my telepathic interaction with her had to be done secretly as I worked in a predominantly scientific and male energy environment. What I have been able to share today, would not have been received so well with colleagues. Interestingly though, whenever there is a Football World Cup, you will come across news stories where Octopus are used to make ‘predictions’ as to who will win. There may still be hope that one day we can scientifically prove their psychic and telepathic abilities. Now Octopus have quite a short lifespan. Once they hit their Senescence period they generally don’t move much and they have to be left alone. I am a Clairsentient and could feel that her skin and suckers were extremely sensitive and having interaction was causing her physical pain and discomfort. For weeks she would be still. She would sit quietly on her eggs, syphoning water over them. I continued to go and chat to her but her voice would become more and more quiet. In the end, Rainbow was able to let me know when it was her time to go and said goodbye. She reached up and gently held my finger, something she hadn’t done for quite a while. She passed away that night. I feely truly blessed to have had such a unique and special relationship with such an unexpected creature. I hope more people are awakened to the amazing opportunities we have by connecting with animals. #Octopus #GiantPacificOctopus #GPO #Rainbow #AnimalCare #AnimalWelfare #AnimalCommunicator #AnimalHealing #AnimalCommunication #AnimalReiki #ReikiHealing #Clairsentient #Clairaudio #Clairvoyant #PsychicMedium #Psychic #PsychicAustralia #DarwinPsychic #Animals #EnergyHealing #Energy #Science #AnimalKingdom #Cephalopods #Aquarium #Education #DarwinReikiPractitioner #Darwin #AnimalWhisperer

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