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  • Make Love, Not War…

    Instead of writing about Saint Valentine, Gods and Goddesses this Valentine’s Day, I thought that I would pay homage to the times where love has significantly shifted our consciousness to more peaceful times. There are a whopping seven planets (the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, plus asteroid Pallas) clustered together in the sign of Aquarius this month, creating what's known as a stellium in astrology. February 2021 is vibrating at the same frequency experienced back in the 1960’s; Era of the ‘Peace and Love’ movement. The free love movement in the 1960’s began because of a combination of sexual liberation and the revolt against the Vietnam war. ‘Make Love, Not War’ became the slogan of antiquity which embodied the ultimate rejection of capitalist culture. The 1967 Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that saw rise to the ‘Flower Power’ and Bohemian Hippie culture. During this time, many were suspicious of the government. People were rejecting consumerist values, and generally opposed the Vietnam War. A few were interested in politics; others were concerned more with art, music, painting, poetry or spiritual and meditative practices. We are starting to recognise a lot of these similar values reappearing today. In May 1968, a period of civil unrest occurred throughout France. It began with a series of student protests against capitalism, consumerism, American imperialism and traditional institutions. An evocative photo of a young couple ‘kissing at the barricades’ in Paris became an overnight iconic image. In 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono famously invited the media to interview them in their bed. Why? Media stunt? Sure, it did a lot to bolster their cause and career. However, they wanted to soften the energy of reporting. ‘Bed-In for Peace’ was to protest the involvement that America had in the Vietnam war. Their view was that a bed encompassed all of the unique qualities that were missing from the collective; love, closeness and peace. If we are to reflect upon what happened back then and compare it to the upcoming movements that we are experiencing now, in the Dawn of Aquarius; people are awakening to values that do not reflect genuine human nature. ‘Bed-In for Peace’ can be mildly compared with ‘Lock Down’. Sure, many of us are being forced to stay indoors for health and safety reasons, but we are learning that consumerism is not what’s important. Many have taken to learning about government systems, and inequality that is still prevalent today in matters concerning sexuality and racial conducts. During the 1960’s Uranus, the planet of revolution and radicalism, conjoined Pluto, the planet of transformation through destruction and regeneration, in the conservative sign of Virgo. On the 17th Feb 2021, we will experience Saturn Square Uranus. Saturn represents authority figures, rules, boundaries, and traditional establishments. Uranus represents innovation, freedom, change, and escaping from our comfort zone. When these two planets are square or form a 90-degree angle with each other, we get tension building between the two energies. Is it possible that we will start to see the 2020’s Free Love Movement? It’s not entirely impossible given the energetic circumstances! Take a look at all of the radical movements that have been happening since even this year began. On the 21st of January the power in America shifted from Trump, a controlling, narcissistic leader concerned with materialism and segregation to Biden, who’s directives are more concerned with inclusion and consideration of the planet. Protests in Russia began on 23 January 2021 in support of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny after his arrest and the release of the film ‘Palace for Putin’, an investigative documentary that accuses Putin of corruption. Pulling back to the romantic theme of today, how does all of this fit with traditional celebratory culture that is connected to love and romance? Well, Valentine’s day is a date for us to honour love connections. However, there is a Revolution upon us, but LOVE is the reason. Therefore, there is simply no better time to celebrate! ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #1111 #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @amycharlette

  • Let Me Reintroduce Myself…

    Hi there! I’m Katie, the nut job who puts the magic into The Wild Healer. While the healing experience is very much about you and your journey, sometimes it’s nice to know who is there to help you on your path. In West Philadelphia, born and raised. On the playground is where I spent… Oh wait! Hang on. No, that wasn’t me, that was Will Smith. Let me try again… this Unity Consciousness throws me sometimes! If I were trying to be a normal muggle, I would tell you that I’m originally from the UK and have been living in Australia since 2014. I have a BSc Higher Honours Degree in Wildlife Education, Science and Media. I worked as an Aquarist for 5 years, doing turtle rehabilitation, octopus enrichment studies, running conservation and breeding programmes. I have travelled all around the world and settled in Darwin, where I created The Wild Healer. If I were being completely honest and myself, I would tell you that I am a born Animal Communicator, Healer and Medium. I have a soul full of wanderlust and a heart forever young. In the UK I spent my free time skating and surfing, strolling along the Cornish shores, hunting for stone circles and visiting as many spiritual shops and events as possible! I have a Gypsy Soul and have always yearned for travel. After back packing around the Andes in Argentina for a month when I was 16, the wanderlust itch set in and I was destined to go as far as my feet could take me. I seem to have been called back to ancient and sacred sites, or to connect with places I have had past lives. The Inca trails to Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat Temples in Cambodia, Massachusetts in New England, Stone Henge and Glastonbury Tor, Uluru. The list goes on! In Tarot Terms I would be seated with the High Priestess. The Seer who works with truth. Yet there is always an element of The Fool, a traveller who follows the Universe wherever needing to be placed. In this incarnation I have been reconnected with my soul’s gifts, many have fallen in my lap. I find that they chose you, not the other way around, kind of like the Wands in Harry Potter! I’m a Channeller, Psychic Medium, Clairsentient, Death Doula, Soul Bringer, Prophet, Healer and Animal Communicator. I’m sure the list will grow as I move more into Crone Wisdom. That’s just what I do, but who am I? An Octopus. I’m either hidden away in my little cave playing with rocks, or I’m brightly coloured and stuck to your face, trying to tickle you. I’m goofy and laugh at my own jokes. How about that Will Smith joke? That incurred a chuckle, right? No? Yeah, it was lame, but my brain thought that was fucking hilarious. Classic! Forever young is a great way of saying, ‘I love to hang out with my inner Child’. She jumps in puddles, makes daisy chains and loves to blow bubbles. Unfortunately, she has a grownups credit card and has learned that she can buy dumb shit on the internet like shoes from Irregular Choice, or an irrational amount of Halloween décor. I love witchy shit, so if you ever want sit and watch Practical Magic, Harry Potter, Sabrina, oh heck even some Disney? I am Down. With. That! I have dark pages in my story too, but I leave those chapters for only me to read. Those shadowy moments in life are what shape and change us. Only when we look back, do we see that they were some of our greatest lessons. I will sit with you and be your friend when you are in your darkest day, because I know what it feels like to be entirely alone, even when you’re surrounded by people. I am a firm believer that happiness is a choice, sometimes we have to make difficult decisions that will get us there, but it is ours to make. My darlings, in this life, we are free to be whatever we want. We are free to be you and me. We are all oh so very different, and that’s what makes this life wonderful! And on that note, I shall leave you with my favourite quote from Winnie the Poo: “Will you do me a small favour? Don’t forget to grow up and live happily ever after, and stay as sweet as honey forever.” ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #1111 #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @indg0

  • Versions of you and me…

    In life we are often confronted with people that make us feel things we cannot comprehend. What makes us gravitate towards some and be utterly repelled by others? Sure, certain factors come to play when we are looking to make friends or find romantic partners, but what about people who don’t impact our lives in any real way? We may each have a favourite checkout worker, post person, even a 'go to' bar tender! But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? They provide us with the same service as the person stood next to them, but often we find ourselves seeking interactions from those we have a preferred experience with. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you gravitate towards some and not others? Better yet, have you ever contemplated why you move away from some and not others? Energy and frequency have a lot to do with our subtle decision making. Our instincts will help us to determine who is a threat vs a non-threat based on instances we have experienced in life. Without even talking to someone, we are able to assess whether our interaction with them will be a positive or a negative one. We make assessments about people all day, every day; whether you choose to believe you are a judgemental person or not. It’s a survival instinct that is fine tuned in our DNA. The part that we often forget is that people are subtly evaluating us too. Empaths can very quickly become isolated or hermits because they are able to pick up on these delicate frequencies. Children who are often rejected or bullied in school are usually the ‘sensitive’ ones. Adults who struggle to engage in idle chit chat or maintain friendships that are ingenuine, are very aware of these energies. Due to this sensitivity, they often experience people on a deeper level than face value. They hear things that are not spoken, they feel what someone is feeling, and they have a deeper understanding of what a person is all about before ‘getting to know them’. When you think about someone, anyone, how much do you really know? Better yet, how much do you really want to know? We often only know a particular version of people, depending on how we want them to fit into our lives or how that version of them makes us feel. I love the quote: “Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person might tell you I'm an amazing beautiful soul. Another person will say I'm a cold-hearted asshole. Believe them both, I act accordingly.” Not everyone will be your ‘cup of tea’, and that is perfectly okay, we are all different. But when we open ourselves up to knowing a person better, we are actually choosing to understand ourselves on a deeper level. If the modern-day spirituality preaches ‘Unity Consciousness’ and that we are ‘All One’, then why do we suffer with divide and rejection issues? As we become more emotionally aware, we understand deeper and deeper that we only ever have the power to change ourselves. To ask the question ‘why does this person irk me?’; we are able to tap into our own consciousness and heal the part that causes us to feel these uncomfortable energies and shift them into something lighter. Ultimately allowing for harmony to enter space, where there was once tension and density. Before you rush to judge someone, ask yourself: ‘Is there something about my soul that can be shifted to heal and align with this experience, and ultimately make it a more pleasant one?’ ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #1111 #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @bellakotak

  • Honouring the Waning before the New Moon…

    New Moons are the beginning of the Lunar Cycle, making them perfect for setting new intentions that you wish to birth into reality. Soil is at its most fertile during the New Moon because the moon draws up water from deep within the Earth, so it’s an ideal time to plant seeds, not only in your garden but in your life. The New Moon invites new beginnings, rebirth and a fresh start. However, like most fresh starts, you need to clear out the old and release stagnant energy to gain the most reward from the seeds you wish to plant. The Waning Moon gives us the opportunity to get to the root cause of a problem and remove blocks that are stopping us from moving forward. This is a great time to sit with yourself, connect with your guides in quiet contemplation, to help discover what changes you need to make in order to remove the obstacle. My mother told me once that a person’s home is a representation of their state of mind. Every year she would go through the guts of the home and have ‘a good clear out’ of anything that wasn’t being used or no longer served a purpose and would be donated to charity. Your home is absolutely an extension of your energy field, when we smudge the space we live in and clear the energies, we feel much lighter. It’s a great time to clean your home too! The witch’s status symbol is a broom because wise women would use salts and herbs to clean the floors and sweep out the negative energy. (I myself find in modern day energy work, that burning White Sage and running round with the Dyson does a pretty snazzy job too!) This ‘rejuvenation’ type energy even creeps into our most recent festive holiday, Christmas! The twelfth night, January 5, is when you should really remove any last vestiges of the festivities and look forward to welcoming spring. It was believed that tree spirits take shelter in Christmas trees, holly and ivy during the festive season. By removing the old plants, decorations and energies from the home, it is a time to release that of which is no longer serving us. A ‘Spring Clean’ is the cleansing needed for the planting of the new seeds; this ties into Imbolc, which is celebrated on 1st/2nd of February. It’s always good to clear things out and remove old energy from our lives. Get organised and get rid of old clothes that carry past energy, old shoes we have walked along paths that aren’t right for us any longer, even cut chords with relationships that we have outgrown. There’s no use trying to manifest and work to be more abundant, when you sit in your old energy. You will find that much of the same will keep coming back to you. If you are struggling to see where your path is going but know that you need a change, start at the guts of you! Cut out all that you no longer want to have or to be, so that you can see clearly, what you do want to move into and form a plan from there. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #1111 #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @hobopeeba

  • Channelling Archangel Ariel…

    Back in November I was working on a regular animal client when I was interrupted during trance state by higher beings. This can sometimes happen as I can’t really control their streams and messages; I just have to let them come through! Archangel Ariel (26/11/2020) - Known as the ‘Lion of God’. Archangel Ariel is known as the angel of nature. She oversees the protection and healing of animals and plants on Earth and also supervises the care of natural elements and inspires human beings to take good care of planet Earth. Beyond her role overseeing nature, Ariel also encourages people to live up to God's full potential for them by discovering and fulfilling God's purposes for their lives. (Ref: The image featured is one that I have created myself to represent, to the best of my artistic abilities, who I was speaking with and what they looked like in the moment. In a trance state, everything is in minds-eye, it can often be a very elevated, outer body experience. At times my voice can change and the language that streams is definitely not how I would speak normally. I decided to listen back to the recording, and this was the transcript of her message: Sweet being bring peace, peace to all on earth. We are here to guide you into this new era, this new light transformation. There are beams of light code pouring onto the planet as we speak. This is a project that has been underway for quite some time but now as the densities are lifting and breaking, we are able to work at a deeper healing level with stronger frequencies. Starting with you, the Healers; we are working through you and your clients to bring these deepest healing frequencies through. Once attuned, this energy then moves through these people and animals to those around them in a pay it forward manner, so to speak. As amplifying and intensifying as these energies will become, the perception at first may seem, ‘cursive’ (like you have been cursed, meaning that we won’t appreciate them at first but when we settle into them, we get more used to it and appreciative). People will start to see more colours (Angelic Realms) and see between the dimensions. It will become easier, and those who are attuned will start to see more vividly. The barriers between the 3d/4d is going to be a lot more apparent. So, get ready for this! This is the new era, this is the new energy frequency, this is the new light that is coming to you. This is the new frequency that you will need to get used to as healers, as channellers, as beings of light on this planet. You will start to notice harmony and disharmony much better. You are able to attune yourselves to these higher vibrational elements and pull them through much quicker. As you leave behind the old earth and move into the light of the new earth, much more potent streaming will be happening. (At this point white light was pulsing through my hands and body) Times are changing for the better, please stay optimistic! (Laughing), don’t give up on hope! Unity Consciousness, even though there is a divide within us in the unity consciousness, it is all relative, it is all one. There is no use fighting, you are just fighting each other (and the self). It is simply just love and you should love each other. -END- At the time of receiving this message, it didn’t feel right to share it as it may have been drowned out by Solstice hype. It feels right to share this message now that we are moving into the New Year, and to let you know that we need to make this year about aligning ourselves with higher states of being and love. Something to remember as this month unfolds I feel! ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #1111 #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin

  • Listen to the whisper…

    2020 has given us the most golden opportunity of all, the chance to redesign our lives the way we want it to look. Typically, back in the pre-pandemic days, we would revel in moaning about the ‘New Year, New Me’ movements. The month of January would see the gyms fill up and memberships for Yoga and Pilates studios would max out, but now what? Half of the world is in lock down and we are still without direction for the year ahead. So, how as individuals do we navigate towards progress with everything looking so different? We as a ‘Race’ (yes, pun intended) are always wanting to improve and move forwards, but alas! Where are we headed? The urge and drive for us to progress in what was once ‘normal’ has been entirely thrown out of the window. The scene for 2021 is starting to look a little like the Cheshire Cat talking with Alice in Wonderland: Alice: ‘Now let’s see, I wonder which way I ought to go’ Cheshire Cat: ‘That depends on where you want to get to’ Alice: ‘It really doesn’t matter as long as I can…’ Cheshire Cat: ‘…then it really doesn’t matter which way you go.’ So, with this clean canvas in front of us, what are we wanting to throw at it? What are we really able to achieve? What do we actually want to achieve? Have our core values changed in the ‘2020 learning experience’? I’ve noticed in clients that there is much contemplation regarding change of careers, particularly working in areas that help people. Creative energies and artistic pursuits are on the rise too. Not to mention a whole bunch of awakened baby witches and lightworkers are stepping into their powers; meaning there are going to be more prophets and healers to help out! Unfamiliar ground, to the untrained eye may look terrifying; but those with a wanderlust heart, will see an opportunity to experience something new and amazing. When you ground, anchor and seek to align with your higher self, you will slowly start to hear the faint whispers of what you already know. The thing that has been calling you since birth, the voice we have tuned out or not allowed ourselves to listen to, is becoming louder. Can you hear it? What is it telling you? Let go of fear, we have endured enough of that to last a lifetime! 2021 isn’t about rushing in and being ‘fearless’, more rather being unafraid to make the difficult changes that will move us towards our true selves and back to the path we wandered away from. There are many different ways to go about achieving these new goals. My advice to clients, almost every day is: Buy yourself a pretty notebook and write a list of what you want for yourself. It doesn’t matter if its career oriented, fitness goals, emotional shifting or even pretty shoes you want to buy on the internet! Get it down on paper, then work through it like a bucket list. If you are still at a loss with putting pen to paper, then sit quietly and check in with yourself. How do you feel? What do you need? What do you want? By being present in the here and now, you can calm a lot of anxiety about what is to come. Which ultimately will help you to navigate forwards because you have a better understanding of what makes you feel good. My door is always open for Healing if you need a little extra release or pull into alignment. Shoot me a message and book a session to help get you back on track. Let’s get you hearing your inner whispers and turn them into clear cut voices that give you the direction you’ve been searching for. Sending love, as always. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @fotosto_vk

  • Follow Your Bliss...

    The expression ‘follow your bliss’ is more of a navigational tool, a road map to our own happiness. Humans for some reason are programmed to experience pain, to be attracted to drama, and lower vibrational situations. What we fail to understand is that when we are following the things that make us feel good, whole and right; we are told by opposing forces that we are selfish or wrong. What we need to recognise is that’s all they are, opposing forces. These are fear based, anxiety programs that are designed to throw us off our true path to joy. These pesky hurdles are often disguised as societal expectations, religious doctrines or cultural guilt and all of these can come with a control element connected to shame and disappointment. Once we recognise that by not living in the way we are meant to, and by satisfying the needs or demands of those around us; we create our own unhappiness and are dissatisfied with our living experience. This creates a plethora of illness and mental health issues. Our bodies have the amazing ability to tell us when something is wrong. Our nervous system is so reactive, yet we chose to override our stress response and continue allowing the thing that hurts us to cause more damage. In the past I have channeled teachings from Buddha, and the greatest message he ever gave me was: ‘Holding onto something not meant for you can be akin to holding hot coal, the longer you grasp it, the more damage you do to yourself. Just let it go.’ When we choose to let go of the things not meant for us, we find out how peaceful our existence can be. Those who feel lost or don’t know who they are would benefit from getting rid of things that don’t fit them. It makes it much easier to spot the things that do. Then you can unapologetically explore deeper in those directions. If you are confronted with opinions and expectations, you will be much better at discerning and disconnecting from the emotional control. You will be able to recognise that this is yet another test to see how easily manipulated you can be or how grounded in your own energies you have become. Yes, in life we are obligated to follow a particular set of rules and abide by laws, but outside of this, truly your life is yours and yours alone. What you do with it is entirely up to the bliss you chose to follow. Align your internal compass to your true north and watch your magic unfurl. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #soundbath #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #starseed #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @bellakotak

  • You are the magic that you seek...

    This week has been a beautiful release following the onslaught of Mars and Mercury going Retrograde. I was going to upload a video about what we were enduring last week and then my guides prompted me to wait till the moment had passed, simply because the energies were quite volatile at the time! What we were experiencing was a destabilisation of the Masculine Ego, this is something that sits with in all of us. These energies connect to the ‘fun’ emotions; anger, competition, frustration, aggression, the need to be right, 'fight to the death' vibes. What was coming up and being released was rather a lot of ‘pissing contest’ energy. You may have observed people getting into arguments, proving themselves to others and being extremely defensive. I’m rather glad it’s subsiding, talk about empaths walking on eggshells around the ‘quick to rise’ types! No surprise, but last week I had so many male clients and their guides were helping them to be more comfortable with emotion and accepting the safety and love of the feminine. Thank you ladies for sending me your hubby-loves! This week has bought some wonderful break throughs. I am so thrilled to be moving into a new wave of healing frequencies with clients. This past couple of years have been extremely heavy with so many emotions and grief to process. Lots of people were choosing to leave the planet and with that caused a lot of turmoil for those left behind. This year, ‘The Great Awakening’ has seen an incredible rise in life pouring to Earth, despite VOLDEMORT-19. These souls carry such high vibrational energies, and I have been so lucky to have the opportunity to help anchor them in and converse with them in the womb. Seriously, if you know any pregnant beauties, please send them my way, this work is so amazing and is an absolute pleasure to be a part of! Even though I am not particularly baby oriented, I seem to be able to connect with pregnant women and the souls they bring through in a way I can’t explain. Even before The Wild Healer began, I would ‘Out’ secrets by accident! I find that women who have a number of years trying to conceive, magically fall pregnant around me. Women who have experienced the tragedy of miscarriage, somehow manage to carry through during the next try when we work energetically together. It fills my heart with so much joy that this happens for these women even though it isn’t something that I naturally gravitate towards for myself. I guess sometimes in life, you fall into the work that you are meant to do, mine seems to be ‘Soul Midwife’ to assist those coming in and those on their way out. Another beautiful part of what has been sent to me, is having the honour of healing the doctors and midwives who help souls enter and leave at the front lines. Even the healers need healing! 2020 has been a fascinating year of growth. Some may disagree with this statement, but growth doesn’t always mean progress within the material world. The soul shifts have been phenomenal, painful but phenomenal, nonetheless. Be proud of all that you have accomplished this year, reread that and dismiss the negative and comparative narrative that comes into your mind. Emotional growth, healing and aligning yourself with the higher timelines is difficult and takes courage. Now say out loud: - I AM PROUD OF ALL THAT I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THIS YEAR – Now flood your whole being with gratitude for the lessons and blessings that have been given to you in your life. They are what make you, you! And you my beauty are a spectacular thing to behold! You are the magic that you seek. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #soundbath #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #starseed #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin

  • Who are you 'Fall'ing?

    Living in the Northern Territory of Australia has its perks, like year-round sunshine and incredible thunderstorms that encapsulate electric magic. However, being from the Northern Hemisphere, I miss out on my favourite season of all, Autumn. Every October I become entirely obsessed with the enchanted energy of Fall; cosy log fires, pumpkins and of course, my calling in every lifetime, witchy business! This year I have been pouring my consciousness into celebrating the natural ritual of this season. Being entirely thankful for all of the lessons and blessings we have been given on our path and rejoicing in what must ‘Fall’ away from us in order to grow and ‘Rebirth’. This year has undoubtably been extremely intense and energetically hard to navigate. It has taught us to really separate from the ‘narrative’, what we are told to do or believe. It has called for us to connect with our higher selves, address our shadows and shine a light on where we truly want to move forward. One of the main lessons this year as brought forth is tuning out the stress response we have been all too comfortable ‘living in’. Many of my clients are revisiting bad behaviours and suffering exaggerated symptoms of stress by returning to the hamster wheel of grinding and hustling. Even while writing this, my partner has called me out for putting a pressure on myself to produce this piece. ‘You don’t have to do anything’, he said lovingly, and he’s exactly right. We can choose for ourselves to be present, so that we are no longer being controlled by subconscious drives that stem from a survival instinct. VOLDEMORT-19 provided us with a brief period in history where we were forced into rest and isolation. We were given permission to stop what we are doing and were told that our health is more important than the economy. ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ should be shifted to ‘Work Enough and Play Consciously’. Sure, the slogan won’t sell as many mugs or tee shirts, but the sentiment is much more efficient! The energy of Autumn is about slowing down and reaping the rewards of our hard work, ‘Harvest’. Taking the time to step outside, appreciate the beauty of nature that we are surrounded by and the ever-changing pace of life. We must remember to connect to joy and live in the moment. We must allow our stress response to reset, leaving us with a quiet mind to value ourselves and loved ones. When you think of this season, what feelings are evoked? What traditions bring you most happiness? I can almost guarantee, you will never reminisce about all of those long hours at the office or how hard you worked at a job. It will always be about the memories you make in the space of love and connections. What are yours? ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #soundbath #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #starseed #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @thefarmersdaughter_ri

  • Let It Go...

    I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have tried to write this piece. It keeps transforming and changing! Different energies keep creeping in, new layers keep emerging. We are sifting through, so many different frequencies, densities, timelines and emotions. It’s as if everything has been amalgamated into an intense universal cooking pot. This has made it near enough impossible to pinpoint any one thing in particular to write about. What we have been transcending, has been incredibly fast, intense and ‘felt’. To best describe what we’re going through at the moment, would be akin to packing a suitcase. Imagine we are going on a multidimensional holiday, if you will. We want to take everything with us, but we can’t. We have to unpack the suitcase a few times and reassess what is needed to move into the 5d New Earth. What do we really need to take with us? Then we realise, ‘Hang on a minute! They have clothes there!’. We don’t need to take all of this junk with us, we can just shop while we’re there. We will feel much lighter because we’re not packing for things that we thought we needed. We will receive exactly what we need along the way. And so this moment in time has to be used to cut away, deflect, reflect and discontinue absorbing lower frequencies. We are getting rid of the final resonances of the things that control us and keep us attached to fear and the 3D Matrix. I’m not just pointing to political systems or corporate fear-based manipulations. These can be really intense emotions that sit deep within us, programmed beliefs and behaviours that we have endured for a lifetime. I have been desperately trying to find the right thing to write about, but really, it’s all encompassing. What we are not in flow with is being rejected from us at this moment in time. We are still within the ‘timeline flipflop’, we are experiencing the shift between the lower and higher timelines. My guides are wanting me to talk about the people in our lives and the behavioural patterns we are exhibiting, experiencing and watching unfold around us. We are being pulled away from incompatible soul groups, false lights, dark galactics, fallen angels and everything out of our alignment. Things that aren’t in flow, things that do not feed our soul or connect us to that ‘Home’ frequency, we are having to reject. Anything that is disrupting our peace and harmony vibration within us, is what is holding us back. As uncomfortable as this transition may be, we will feel ten times lighter once it has been cleansed from us. We will feel liberated, we will be choosing and manifesting what we want to come into our lives. We need to start lifting our heads up and following the flow of what does feel right for us because that’s what will allow us to keep moving. It is no longer our job to absorb others pain, to try to lift them or help them on their journey, we have past that now. We need to realign, revaluate and focus on what is for our own highest good. This doesn’t come from a place of selfishness; this doesn’t come from a place of being self-serving. This really stems from a space of being in flow with ourselves and the Universe. We are all very different. Life would be tremendously boring if we were all the same. If someone is heading in a different direction to you, that is perfectly acceptable, that’s great! We are all meant to be diverse and travel in different ways. However, if we as individuals are not following our souls’ path, then we are going the wrong way. Now is the time to forgive yourself for holding onto things that have been holding you back and let go of them. Let go of the emotions and blocking energies that are causing you pain that you have been consumed by. To heal is to feel and to process, but do not get trapped here for too long though as you will find that you have become stagnant and are wallowing in this energy. Chose to observe and move through each moment by maintaining your ‘I am Presence’. Keep learning and growing, remember to rest and take care of yourself. The Ascension process is hard! If something doesn’t feel right and is exhausting you, or isn’t manifesting, then step away and let it go. It’s not meant for you. What feels joyous and uplifting is what is meant for you. If you are not moving for and with yourself in flow for your greatest and highest good, you will find yourself struggling. Without sounding too Disney, Let it go! ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #soundbath #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #starseed #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @sarashakeel

  • ‘The Timeline Flip Flop’...

    Wow! What an amazing shift in energy to wake up to! Yesterday I could hear my spirit team around me all day. Putting memories in my head, connecting me with their smells; generally, just making me aware that they were close by. It was nice to be surrounded by such familiarity, love and family. This morning I woke early, meditated and did some healing with Maple. Our favourite morning ritual is to snuggle up in bed and watch videos of birds together. We were both dipping in and out of this beautiful new wave of bliss and love that is pouring onto the planet this morning. It’s so easy to forget how affected the animals can be by everything that’s going on too. As I stepped outside to enjoy the sunshine and some coffee, I noticed that the colours were so vibrant! The birds were hustling, and everything had a new energy, it felt like 5D Heaven. Over the past few months I have witnessed what I’ve named ‘The Timeline Flip Flop’. It’s a phenomenon where on certain days we are transitioning into the higher bliss timelines and others we are experiencing severe purging of the denser lower timelines. In each of these dimensions, we are playing out Karma. How we react or behave in each of these timelines has a huge impact on the collective consciousness. It’s been like a rapid-fire refresh course on our spiritual evolution, almost testing us to see if we are ready, much like taking end of year school exams. These past few months, I have desperately tried to detach from the distorted narrative. All of the information that we are absorbing into our grey matter has been like a toxic wasteland deprived of joy and bliss. It has been hard to maintain a sense of groundedness and connecting to source has taken much more effort than usual. Today though, my guides are singing: “What a difference a day made, twenty-four little hours. Brought the sun and the flowers, where there used to be rain.” - Dinah Washington Oh man, they know the songs that accompany the energies for sure! When we move into these times of bliss, it’s important to kick the technologies, ditch the news channels and commit to nature and sprinkling joy like confetti. When you plug into the light grids and connect to the collective consciousness, you are injecting love and light straight back into the Universe. I sense that we are on the verge of experiencing the next wave of messages and Light Codes from the Divine, informing us on what’s to come. My lot have almost put a big bubble around September, frustratingly I haven’t been able to see much past this time, but I feel now it is lifting and there is news trying to break through. Fingers crossed, I will be posting what they’ve shared very soon! For now though, enjoy these waves of light, love and bliss. Lots of Love ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #soundbath #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @bellakotak

  • Atlantis and the Lion's Gate Portal...

    For those who recall the days of Atlantis, and the devastation that befell this peaceful place; remember that after the chaos came the building of ‘The New World’. For many of us the transition was difficult, we had knowledge of how harmonious the Earth was before the devastation; the density shift was incredibly hard to live with. The battle of Light and Dark on the planet is older than any of us can imagine, but there is always faith that the light will be restored back to the days of the Great Atlantis. In the lead up to the Lion's Gate Portal (08/08/20), it is important for the previously awakened ones to take a step back and detach from the chaos ensuing around us. These events and energy shifts are not new to us, we have experienced this before. It is now time to go inward, connect with the ancient knowledge and allow the waves of awakening to ripple out. The shift is already in motion. It is up to the gate keepers to bring forth the knowledge of the old, the great, the divine. Fear and distortion is the sabotage for the ripple effect of consciousness. It is up to the connected to remain grounded and peaceful. Remember to refrain and stay in your light, these times are hard and exhausting, now is the time to recuperate, gain strength before yet another long journey ahead. To break down doors takes might, to storm the castle takes more energy still, but to rebuild the citadel requires a paramount of steadfastness and love. Being on this planet has the ability to bring anyone to their knees. Remember how loved you are, remember your mission for light, for right, for justice, for all. Unity Consciousness and Universal Love are not fluffy words, they are powerful words. Feel their intention, their frequency. You have the ability to channel into the tapestry, the very fabric of existence and receive loving vibrations. Fill your cup, replenish any lost parts of yourself, then scatter light along your path. If everyone choses to scoop up a handful of these seeds and plant love, we will find that we have created Eden along the way. The fruit isn’t forbidden, the fruit contains the seeds needed to recreate the lost world. Take a bite and get sowing. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #soundbath #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @erialali


    We’re currently at a time of great abundance, we are moving through portals that require for us to let go of and relinquish the 3-D control matrix. At the moment we are trying to engage with our purpose and our vision of this can sometimes reflect productivity, growth and or wealth. We quite often have to remind ourselves that our souls purpose is to be happy! Does our need to expand, grow and conquer truly provide us with fulfilment? Or are we pushing ourselves back into the stressful process of a survival instinct? When we have frustrations deep-seated within us to perform or to achieve, we need to ask ourselves: Where is this drive coming from? What is it that I truly need to achieve at this moment in time? Due to this intense period of inactivity, we have experienced energies of stagnation and frustration. To deal with this, we have been forced to release by going inward and exploring our intuitive and creative connections. Stepping into the future, we will instinctually seek movement because we are itching to get back to where we left off, trying to relieve pent up frustrations; but what are we trying catch up with? What have we learned from this experience? In society we are taught that rest is bad, that we need to keep moving to survive. But interestingly, Voldemort-19 has actually shown us the opposite! We need to self soothe, switch off and find still to survive. By engaging with a short period of reflection, it has enabled us to see flaws within our laws, society and the system. These frustration energies are now being directed towards changing the world we live in for the better. It is our duty to fine tune these lessons and utilise them to the best of our abilities, so that we never return to the ways of the old or outdated. This is the progress and purpose we need to move into. Not burning the candle at both ends or breaching our boundaries or moral compass. During the lock down experience we have reconnected to unity, love and working together, even if that means from a distance! Small gestures of kindness and appreciation have been shared around the world, which in turn have flourished and encouraged more loving connections. The value we once placed upon materialism, status and the roles people play have shifted. As timelines close, we are acknowledging and releasing trauma from our bloodlines. We are rising to correct injustices connecting to what has been societally accepted without question. We are awakening and moving into light. The experience of birth can be as traumatic as death. We have been given a gift, let’s make sure that we never forget the lessons of this year, for it is humanities turning point. Alchemy is about the conversion of metal to gold, but within the human experience it’s about shifting Ego to Soul. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki | Tarot Card Readings | Animal Communication & Healing | Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @bellakotak

  • Bastet, Birthing Vessels and the Crystalline Souls…

    Over recent weeks there have been some increasingly bonkers energies flying around. We have all witnessed it happening on a global scale, not just in our daily lives. As timelines open and close, densities loosen and frequencies shift; we are being protected by new and or different Light Beings. It’s quite like a ‘changing of the guard’, we are encountering different types of guides stepping in for us to help us through these times of unrest and uncertainty. Most of the time Maple, my black cat, is my shadow and follows me wherever I go. However, this past month I have been rather caught off guard. In my peripheral I am clearly seeing a very large black cat that isn’t her; It is in fact the Goddess Bastet! I first saw her clear as day when I was Saging the house one morning. There were some very strong choice of French words used when I saw before me, a grandiose Ancient Egyptian Sphynx cat dripping in gold and jewels. She sat tall and proud, strong and calm. After initially shitting myself, I caught my breath and connected into why she was present. I knew that she wasn’t there to cause maleficence as she was working to clear energies with me, not to oppose the clearing. She communicated that she was here to guard me as I worked. ‘Cool’ I shrugged as I turned to carry on, not quite understanding her importance in my life at that moment. “Bastet is the Egyptian Goddess of the home, domesticity, women's secrets, cats, fertility, and childbirth. She protected the home from evil spirits and disease, especially diseases associated with women and children. As with many deities in Egyptian religion, she also played a role in the afterlife as a guide and helper to the dead although this was not one of her primary duties. She was the daughter of the Sun God Ra and is associated with the concept of the Eye of Ra (the all-seeing eye) and the Distant Goddess (a female deity who leaves Ra and returns to bring transformation).” – (Reference; Ancient History Encyclopaedia Bastet was known to protect against Apep, the Serpent Demon. In ancient Egypt, Apep is the deification of several evil concepts including darkness, chaos and destruction. Bastet protected the Sun God Ra in his nightly travels across the sky from these energies. This role resulted in her acquiring another title: “the Lady of the Flame” (Lady of the Light). The work that I am currently being connected to is something I have been keeping quite close to my chest, a ‘secret service’ if you will. This past year I have been inundated with women conceiving and miscarrying, the need for pregnancy healings have been increasing. My guides have been telling me about the birthing of the new Crystalline Souls and Light Beings flooding to the planet at this time. These new souls are extremely sensitive, they are so pure in their energies, that the conditions for birth have to be exact. The women that are bringing them here are pure and light, they are strong and conscious. Their poor little bodies are going through the mill trying to be the best incubators possible for these incredible Star Children. Voldemort-19, while tragic, is also creating a cocoon and a forced ‘time out’ for these women. They are being called to avoid harsh energies, rest as much as possible and connect with their higher selves. The women who continue to fight this, sadly are the ones who seem to miscarry. I have been communicating with other healers who are experiencing very similar things. ‘Birthing vessels’ is a term becoming more and more recognised in the spiritual field. There appear to be many different ways that these Crystalline Souls can be called forth. Sometimes it is in fact the healers that experience ‘false pregnancies’ and pass along the souls to the correct incubators during energy work. Sometimes the souls come in of their own accord, naturally drawn to their mothers because of their pure frequencies. For any of you who have had pregnancy healing with me, I talk quite openly about ‘The Soul Bringers’; I named them this for lack of a fancier word! They are incredibly angelic beings that surround the mother during her gestation period. They are helping to transfer a soul from the etheric realms into a physical reality, providing energetic protection and safety at this sensitive time. However more recently in my work, I have been encountering some extremely fragile connections. Looking into this has opened my eyes to what is actually happening regarding the purity of the souls entering the planet. As chaos is ensuing, the densities are lifting, and a new world is emerging; waves of pure and loving souls are being birthed. It’s very reminiscent of the 1970’s rise of the Indigo and Rainbow Children. Peace warriors come in stages, they clear the path for the next wave, and so on. The energies of the ‘Quaran- Teenies’ (new name for the future generation?) will have absorbed the desire for change, for better, for freedom, for love. However, they will need supreme support in their development as they age. They will be incredibly gifted, connected and multidimensional; the parents are going to have their work cut out for them! We are living in such an exciting time for so many reasons. Sure, there is a huge amount of trauma still happening but there is an incredible amount of light pouring through as well. During this period of isolation, we are being forced to slow down, in doing so we are able to understand and realise the importance of this need to change. Even focusing on the current riots happening, people are rising for love, rising for freedom, rising for a better world. We are all clearing the way, do not get dragged down in the undercurrent of lower vibrational energies. Lift your head back to the surface, take a deep breath and look at the big picture unfolding. We are currently transiting through a portal of immense manifestation. Over this next couple of weeks, we will experience a unique opportunity to project out what we would most like to have eventuate in our future. Be mindful of where your thoughts, aims and ideologies lay at this time; in other words, be careful what you wish for! Manifesting is a neutral platform that can generate good or bad outcomes. False manifesting, aka: doing what society thinks you should do verses, what your soul is actually craving, will do you more harm than good. (That’s right social media influencers, I’m talking to you.) Your soul always knows the way back to itself, you need only listen to it. Connect with the Goddess Bastet, connect with your higher self, connect with other lightworkers and radiate out to the best of your abilities, love on all levels. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki | Tarot Card Readings | Animal Communication & Healing | Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #bastet #goddess #crystallinesouls #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #tarotcardreading #healing #healer #energyhealing #animalcommunication #crystals #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @loisdolores

  • The Ripples of Time…

    Timelines, as they open and close around us, are becoming more apparent day by day. We are able to observe time ripple and unfold before us; like the ocean, The New Wave builds and flows towards The New Earth. As we move moment by moment, we can feel things that seem familiar; a Deja-vu of memories that haven’t yet played out. We are witnessing the change in what we felt would happen and what is now actually happening. Expecting to recreate that of which we already know and feel familiar, yet experiencing something slightly different. We have pre-existing memories of these roads we’ve been down before; nevertheless, we still tread with uncertainty for its outcome. The ever unfolding and ever-changing pathways within time will devour us, consuming our consciousness within this construct. We are observing the collective consciousness change and grow, we are witnessing ourselves transform. We are actively willing for a lighter outcome while holding on to the chains that have confined us to the old paradigms. We are able to stand back and observe the self as we play through each situation, continuously questioning if our actions and energies still fit the moment. Can we change for the better as we grow as a species? Karma is being released from every dark pocket of the planet. Light frequencies are sifting through dense and ancient control systems. Every day we are being tested in the construction of the New Earth; we are being urged to let go of the old. The ego must be slain, self-sabotaging ways must be relinquished, growth cannot occur while the snake continues to eat its own tail. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki | Tarot Card Readings | Animal Communication & Healing #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin Picture Credit:@natalieshau

  • Channelled message (15/04/2020)

    Here is the latest update given yesterday. It didn’t really sit well with me when reading it after it came pouring out, but it is not for me to judge what they would like to communicate at this time. I feel it important to keep the text exactly as it was given to me, irrelevant of whether in parts it didn’t make sense or went against opinions or beliefs: With much deliberation we would like to inform you of the next upheavals and events. This time they will be at much higher speeds, they need to be this way to pass through deep layers of conflicted conscious, thoughts and belief systems. These next steps are going to be vastly unpopular among your race however it is something that must be done to stop the avalanche that could soon follow if not addressed immediately. - Underground network systems that have been in place for hundreds of years, planning and organising such strategies that will accumulate in the involvement of disrupted politicians and activist movements. - Exposing of truths hidden from the public eye - Nano technology is going to be a big driving force in the next few weeks to come. Do not worry, this is something that will only last for a short term, they are releasing the technology as a test subject in light of what is happening, it is a mere prototype and is met with much resistance and hesitations among your people, it will be shut down before it is allowed to fully birth. There is much debate among the galactic community about what amount of intervention should be taken to help aid, and surface events. We have decided to let them unfold naturally, allowing the human race to choose their own fate, for it is the laws that have always been, we merely usher support and aid when requested for. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki | Tarot Card Readings | Animal Communication & Healing #thewildhealer #loveandlight #gratitude #reiki #tarot #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin

  • Channelled Message (07/04/2020)

    This morning I sat down to write about the energies that are pouring through at this time. However, them lot upstairs had other ideas! I’ve never typed channelled messages before, until now… I felt it important to keep the text exactly as it was given to me, irrelevant of whether in parts it didn’t make sense or went against opinions or beliefs: “Meaningless distractions are being given by way of interference with the true nature of what is going on and this is still yet to be uncovered. This will all spill out over time. The light shields that are in place will be here for the next 5 years to ensure that this catastrophe will not continue with any form of deliberation. Your planet is a unique system and has taken aeons to develop the right conditions for which we are able to communicate clearly with you and delegate light in such a way. Your systems are being upgraded from the microbiomes, down to the earth’s core, helping you to resonate with the true frequencies of the earth. It is at this time that you must rest, recharge, drink water, receive sunlight and above all connect to love as a frequency, for it is the greatest healing tool under your belt. The DNA is able to heal itself and repair much quicker when you carry a higher vibration of love and gratitude. It is once again our deepest sympathies for those whose families have contracted the virus, these precautions are in place to prevent further war on your planet. We have been trying to circumvent opposing energies for quite some time and this is how it has come to form equilibrium. You must continue to offer your services to the human race, it is in dire need of attention. Meditation, medication and higher frequencies will help the energetic transition to come forth in the birthing of the new light. Crystalline children will be called forward from the stars, to activate new chakras around the world and realign the earth with the updated energy system of 5d. It is so important to keep yourself clear of any and all interference so that we may continue to contact you and bring forth messages about the greater divine plans for consciousness on your planet.” Channelled: 07/04/20 20 – The Wild Healer ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ #thewildhealer #channelledmessage #loveandlight #reiki #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #gratitude #manifest #wellbeing #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin Picture Credit: @photos_of_your_fantasy

  • Tap in and tap out…

    This Healer business can be tricky sometimes. To constantly be of service to others can be quite draining especially when everyone is experiencing heaviness in this energetic goop. We reach a point of observing the collective, make sure everyone’s head is above water and then we can allow ourselves space to tap out and prepare for the next round. I feel that it’s imperative to lead by example, so many do not practice what they preach. This past month has called for deep rest, body healing and soul alignment. I am so proud of clients who have engaged with their burn-out and taken the time to step back to re-evaluate their priorities and where they are leaking energy. My guides have been showing up so much for me this past month in the form of elephants! I realised that it was my time to take a step back and to heal myself when I dreamt of a huge female elephant laying down from exhaustion in a dried out landscape. Upon waking, I was startled by a glittering Ganesh surround by Rainbow light beings. Ganesh resonates with protection and power, much of his symbolism is related to safeguarding us from life's physical and subtle obstacles. In a heard, the matriarch or largest female cow leads and cares for the needs of the herd. The matriarch earns respect through their wisdom, confidence and connections with other elephants. In a crisis, the herd will rely on her to make the major decisions as to their course of action, or in this case, inaction! To rest is vital, we cannot push on without recuperation. If you have been called to rest and have failed to listen, unfortunately you will experience the consequences. This is a lesson we all must learn, and the quicker we listen to our bodies the better. We are coming to realise that constantly working hard isn’t necessarily vital in our existence. Sure, we all have bills to pay, but we are realigning ourselves with what our soul craves as opposed to what the 3d control matrix tells us we need. In this period of rest, my spirit team showered me with elephant energy everywhere I went to the point of being utterly ridiculous! My social media accounts were flooded with pictures of elephants, when out for walks I would find elephant shaped clouds, even on a weekend visit to a garden centre I found myself stood in front of a 6ft elephant statue!! This constant reminder of support to take a step back and rest was alleviating any guilt for the need to do so. And now here we are, amidst a global virus and state of panic, I understand why I was being called to rest. It’s time to saddle up the harmony horse and continue to hold space for light and healing. My guides have been channelling bigger messages about the state of what is happening on a global scale, more will come to follow on this topic! For now though, I’m tapping back in and am ready to harness this new wave of light that is purging the densities within the 3d matrix. My platforms will be updated over the next few days to handle more of an online based clientele, providing healing on a global capacity for both humans and animals. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ #thewildhealer #ganesh #elephantenergy #spiritguide #animalspiritguide #loveandlight #reiki #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin Picture Credit: @annamcnaughty

  • The 2020 anxiety overload…

    Last year we were called to clear through karma, energies connecting to our relationships, and that which no longer serves us. This year we are all being called to face our insecurities and self-doubts. We have been sifting through layers of soul purpose, ways forward and our place here on the planet. I have encountered people from all walks of life questioning and doubting themselves and what they are meant to be here for, or even if they still want to be here. I must admit, that even for myself at times, I’ve wanted to go home. Back to the place of peace and light. Earth can be so dense with pain and suffering, why must light workers endure, absorb and transmute so much toxic energy? (Stomps foot like a stroppy toddler!) We have all be called into ‘daydream land’ for analysis. Whether in sleep or waking life, we’ve been lifted and ungrounded from our physical bodies and spiritually questioned by our higher selves about where we’re at on our soul contract. Some of us have opted to void them and go home, the rest of us have tapped back in for another few rounds. It has been a rather intense and uphill start of the year for many people. As I’ve said before, please don’t go expecting this to change for another couple of months. We’re about to step into the Mercury Retrograde Shadow and I can already feel people pulling their hair out, things going wrong or technology failing us. Do yourself a solid. Realise that we’re in a bit of an energetic shitty goop at this moment. Keep ‘Doing the Dori’ – ‘Just keep swimming’. I promise you that when we get to the portal of release in a couple of months, it will be so spectacular. It will be the relief we’ve all been yearning for, and because we’ve set our Auto Pilot to ‘Health, Abundance and Flow’ – that’s exactly what will come back to us. DEAR SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS: Please stop projecting to the outside world that you are amazing and ‘living your best life’, all of the time. Even Trump would call Fake News on you! If you are going through something, please take time to remove yourself from the spotlight, heal your wounds and when you are ready to step back up to your podium, pay homage to your pain. Not everyone is amazing all of the time, this is where social media lets us down and creates anxiety for the consumer. Your followers will relate to you so much more when you can show your humanness too. Pride, ego and masks are all connected to the 3d matrix. Rise above this lovelies, we are not there anymore. At this moment in time, we can negate lower vibrational energies by… you guessed it, connecting to nature! Disconnect from technology, stop your mind from looping, calm, breathe and sit with yourself. As above, so below, as within, so without. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ #thewildhealer #anxiety #anxietyoverload #loveandlight #reiki #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #gratitude #manifest #wellbeing #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin Picture Credit: @indg0

  • January 2020 Energy Update

    If you have struggled with exhaustion, been feeling overwhelmed and an array of other disruptive emotions this past couple of weeks, then you are not alone. The planets have been doing the Dosey-Doe again, aligning themselves, and throwing eclipse parties… The Schumann Resonance charts have been either blacking or whiting out and after the build up to Christmas, many of us are banging our heads against the wall with this continual blitz of intense energy. This may have touched you on an individual level with day to day things, or as a collective being affected by global crisis. We all know that the promise of a new decade and fresh start for ‘2020’ carries high hopes. For many it’s proving quite difficult to find motivation, get out there and achieve goals. Some of you may even be suffering with agitation caused by a desire for movement but are at a loss for which direction to head in. We’ve been swimming around in Capricorn season; reflecting on areas connected to work, ambition career and where we leave our mark. Let’s face it though, because we have been enduring intense energies it’s bought out some unwelcome self-critical, meticulous and analytical characteristics that Capricorns carry. Them lot upstairs keep bringing through the same message: “Keep your head down for the next four months” – Great, thanks guys! Continue to quietly work and step towards where you want to be, but don’t be too expectant of any major release from pressures until then. Things will get better but it’s a rather uphill start to the year I’m afraid. We’ve had plenty of practice from 2019 regarding processing our emotional issues and pushing through traumas, we are well equipped to handle any continuation of this energy. On a positive note, if you continue to ‘do the Dori’ and ‘just keep swimming’ steadily towards your goals you will be pleasantly surprised at your outcomes. You will be much further along than you expect because we are currently in an intense portal for manifestation. That’s right, you guessed it… It’s NEW MOON time! (Darwin, NT: Jan 25th 7:12am) The first New Moon of the year falls in the sign of Aquarius, connecting to all things emotional: friends, family, social networks, hopes and dreams. This is the time to release and detach from all of this yucky stuff we’ve been carrying. It’s time to get real, connect to your authenticity and be pragmatic about it all. This New Moon in particular will help our creativity flow but will keep our feet on the ground by being a little more realistic with our inventions. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, this is when you can best access your higher self and pull through some magic shit. Aquarius is an energy that wants to better the human race, so now is a perfect time to contribute and do your bit for the planet, all while working towards bettering yourself. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ #thewildhealer #newmoon #aquariusseason #newdecade #peacewarrior #speakup #loveandlight #reiki #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #wellbeing #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin

  • 2020 is the year I vow to not ‘shut the fuck up’

    For too long I have sat back and remained a peaceful participant, in this love and light existence. I have transitioned through almost ‘monk like’ silences to hear the noise being emitted from the world. I have listened and felt the energies, to decipher where these frequencies resonate from. Before this decade ends, I have been made to feel all of the Earths sadness. At times I have been entirely debilitated and overwhelmed by this grief as timelines clear and close. However, it is now time to start banging the war drum. The Earth has called forth Wayshowers and Lightworkers to be her mouthpiece, her Peace Warriors. The time has come to speak up and stop abiding by the rules created within the 3D control matrix. It’s time to rise, over and over until she is heard and we are able to work together as a collective to bring about harmony on the planet. 2019 saw a huge rising of the Divine Feminine, one we have all been waiting for. The Dali Lama said: 'The world will be saved by the Western Woman' and by-golly I think he’s right. However, Equality isn’t about beating out the Patriarchy but teaching them how to listen and how to love in all areas of existence. The divine Feminine must meet the Sacred Masculine, awaken them and merge energies in harmony. Unifying all sentient beings, humans and animals alike. To do this though, we need to be entirely unafraid to call out darkness and old negative patterning and previous social acceptances. We need to stop keeping others in check with these outdated ways of being. It has been proven time and time again that they do not work. David Attenborough recently congratulated Gretta Thunberg for achieving something that many have been trying to accomplish over the past few decades, she has caught the world’s attention and she is being heard. If we continue to allow tradition, religion, culture and the economy to divide and control us, then there is little wriggle room for change. Praise those who are brave enough to break the mould, those unafraid of being cast out by the herd. Praise those who speak up for what is right and light. I encourage all of you to stop being a bystander in this movement. Get on board and speed up the process. This comes down to how we exist as individuals as well as a collective. 2019 called for us to reflect inwardly at what we needed to shed and release. Major work has been done across the planet to confront our fears connected to ego and karma. This healing has been very painful and downright bloody awful at times, but it’s needed to happen so that we can enter the next phase of existence on the planet. Self-improvement has been key to understanding what triggers us and weakens us. This phase has helped to align us with our purpose here on Earth. We are all feeling her pulse, her call, our destiny. It’s time to ditch the fear and embrace love wherever we can. In this we find strength. In this we find unity. In this we find a solution to better the world we live in for the next generation. If you know better, do better. Excuses need not apply, if you make them, you will be left behind. World, the time has come to push the button… No sir, I will not shut the fuck up! ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ #thewildhealer #newdawn #newdecade #peacewarrior #speakup #loveandlight #reiki #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin #2020 Picture Credit: @natalieshau

  • It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For me, Christmas is a state of mind… Sorry, I’m not religious but I enjoy the values that this season holds. Coming together collectively, spreading love and cheer, giving and receiving, peace on Earth. Why wouldn’t you want to engage in Christmas Spirit? I understand that this time of year can be hard for many, and this season can hold entirely disproportionate materialism and hype, but essentially, it is what we chose to make of it. Christmas doesn’t have to be about gift giving, it can be about simple things; relaxing and enjoying the company and good spirit of others, good-will and helping those less fortunate than ourselves. It’s also a magical time machine! Each year we are transported in our minds to a happy place within our childhood, a place where we felt safe and loved. It’s a feeling and nostalgia that we hold dear to our hearts and we become excited to provide this for the next generation. Irrelevant of material wealth or living situation, there will always be a moment that we can connect to; a happy tradition, a smile, seeing loved ones. Even our senses are connected with each time we smell or taste something associated with the time of year. In all of the stress, organising and winding down for the year, there is a twinkling of relief; our shoulders relax and we feel warmth and love in our hearts. A space in time where we can just unwind and enjoy the moment. If this as an Energy can be connected to on a collective level once a year as a religious celebration, why can’t we walk through life resonating with this energy of ‘Joy to the World’ through all months. The truth is, there are awful things that happen in the world, but we can choose how our footprint affects the Earth we walk upon and the souls that we connect with both human and animals alike. As we move through the final 12:12 portal, and marvel at the glorious Cold Full Moon, take a look back the year we’ve undergone. Treasure all we have achieved, in its beauty or unpleasantness, all that we have let go of, shed and rebirthed. We are transitioning into a lighter space, a new decade and a time for resonating at a more peaceful frequency. ——————————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ #thewildhealer #christmas #tarot #reiki #healing #healer #energyhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #lightworker #wayshower #festiveseason #tropical #darwinnt #northernterritory #darwin #2019 #Christianity #Christmas #Peace #WorldPeace #Joy #Fullmoon #Lightworker #Winter #ChristmasSpirit #Energy #EnergyWorker #Wayshower #LoveandLightFrequency #Love #VibrateHigher #HigherBeings #HigherSelf #HighVibration #HigherSelves #SpiritualEnlightenment #Enlightenment #LightFrequency #EmissaryofLight #Light #Darwin #DarwinNT

  • Animal Reiki Bliss...

    Last week The Wild Healer paid a little visit to Ava and Sophie! We’ve done a couple of sessions now and their little personalities crack me up. One is a lap dog and one likes to watch French Films; can you tell which is which? Talking with these girls is never boring because the ways in which they view the world is so very different. Ava is the biggest puppy and young forever spirit who loves to nibble your ears and stand on you. If she were human, she’d make for an excellent Chiro! This week, she was resting up due to a leg injury. She is an entirely inquisitive bundle of energy, so sitting still and not hopping around can be quite challenging. She was keen to talk about what had been going on in her little world. Showing me her piles of pebbles, the fish in the pond, talking about her leg bandage and hanging out with Dad. She was debating whether or not she would be able to jump the fence to get the pesky birds on the other side… (we entirely discouraged this of course!) These are quite stereotypical ‘dog’ things that can come up – talking about their day to day interactions and things that bring them joy in life. Then occasionally, I have the pleasure of interacting with animals like Sophie. Clearly a human in a past life! She holds herself and speaks entirely differently. This little beauty is so swept up in a wistful, romanticised view of the world. Taking in ambiance and tranquillity. She speaks about the songbirds, the night sky and looking up at the stars, the way the coloured lights in the garden beautifully illuminate plants along the path, spending time with mum and watching French films and cooking. Sophie even helps to keep an eye on Ava to make sure she’s not getting up to mischief! Now with all animals, they will talk about things that go on in your homes. Including relationships, members of family, visitors and other animals. In our first session, Sophie had some emotions and energy that needed releasing due to the loss of her beloved sister, and the support she had been giving her family during this difficult time. In her follow up session Sophie was so much lighter, she wanted to speak about the wonderful parts of her life and things that she enjoyed. While I love chatting with and finding out about these amazing little souls; the best part of each session is seeing them in absolute bundles of sleepy, Reiki bliss. Eyes unflatteringly rolled into the backs of their heads, dreaming and twitching in their entirely relaxed state of consciousness. ~ The Wild Healer ~ #AnimalReiki #AnimalCare #AnimalHealing #AnimalCommunicator #Animals #AnimalCommunication #AnimalWelfare #AnimalWhisperer #SacredFeminine #DarwinReiki #ReikiHealing #DarwinReikiPractitioner #Reiki #httpswwwfacebookcomTheWildHealing #EnergyHealing #Healing #Healer #TheWildHealer #AnimalHealer #emotionalstates #emotionalstate #Consciousness #Subconscious #Lightworker #DarwinNT

  • Animals Never Forget...

    We all know the unbearable pain experienced when we lose an animal, whether they pass away or tragically go missing. We are left with an empty space in our homes and hearts. But what happens when the roles are reversed and our animals are faced with loss? What happens when their human passes away, or we go missing, move or stop being a part of their lives? As an Animal Communicator and Healer, I get to coach and council you and your animals through a huge array of experiences and emotions. Animals are greatly affected by people and other animals who are no longer a part of their lives. A lot of your pets are rescued and have a history before their life with you. So much of what they have to say can often link to parts of their story that you don’t know about. When they talk about this, it’s not that they are ungrateful for the lovely homes that you provide for them; but it enables them to help you understand them and who they are on a deeper level. I was recently called out to a home to with an older female rescue dog. Much of what she spoke about was an intense male energy home, where she lived outside, enjoyed chasing cattle, rolling in and eating kangaroo scat. She spoke of her previous owner who wore a big hat and she was very close with him. Animals know when they have been abandoned, they have this awful sense of being unwanted. However, in this instance I was told that this wasn’t the case. She was separated from her owner, lost or stolen. The dog was lovingly rescued by a wonderful lady. Contrastingly though, her new home was entirely female and calm in its energy. This was a huge life adjustment for the animal in terms of how to interact with her peers and environment. She loved and enjoyed where she lived but needed to convey why she sometimes behaved in a way that was rather ‘free spirited’ and ‘tom-boy’. When we understand someone’s story, we can empathise with their character on a deeper level. It’s not that this dog was misbehaving out of disregard for her new owner, but simply because these factors were a huge part of her life and contribute to who she is. Animals process memories and emotions much in the same way humans do. If we go away or are separated from them, they have questions, they miss their soul companions. If their owner is no longer a part of their life, they try their hardest to figure out why. As time passes, they become more understanding of the separation, but they still carry the emotions attached to the situation. They hold onto memories of you, things you would do together, games you would play, foods you would give them, happy moments you’ve shared. We mean as much to them as they do to us. I was once told that animals never forget, and it’s so true. That’s why it’s our duty to always show love, understanding and kindness to the amazing creatures we share this world with. ~ The Wild Healer ~

  • Transition Phases...

    Since the Equinox the energies have been extremely intense… (to be honest I’m trying to remember a time when I didn’t start a blog post with those words!) Lets just assume that we’re going to be continuously engaging in ongoing waves of intensities as light frequencies increase. I don’t know whether being from the Northern Hemisphere has any correlation, but I find myself in total alignment with the Autumn Season and all of the energies it resonates with even though I’m currently based in the Southern Hemisphere, sorry Australia! Between Autumn and Winter if you look up to the sky, you will see a cluster of seven stars known as the Pleiades. As they shine so brightly, the Pleiades stars have been recorded in ancient texts and drawings across many civilizations including the Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Australian Aboriginals, Native Americans, Japanese, and more. In Celtic traditions, the Pleiades would be seen rising during the season of Autumn, a time synonymous with celebrating and honouring the cycle of death, therefore the Seven Sisters were linked to death, loss, and grief, but were also believed to bring comfort to those in mourning. This past month has bought forth some of the most intense ‘transition phases’ I’ve ever encountered. I have had the honour of assisting in Soul Midwifery, aiding those in grief periods and helping souls on the other side reconnect with loved ones, both humans and animals alike. It’s been a heavy month of processing terminal illness, people passing over, dealing with loss and intense chord cutting on energetic levels. The full moon in Aries has been a welcome and complementary lunar phase. This fiery sign has brought a wonderful release point, and while tensions have been high, we can use this frequency to let go of things that have made us feel stuck or blocked. Transformation and regeneration are calling. As there are less than 3months left in this decade, I’ve decided to fully immerse myself in letting go of old toxins in all aspects of body, mind and soul. Rest has been crucial during this Full Moon period. Energy Healing, Juice Detoxing and connecting to nature have been vital for this release transition. We are now in the Mercury Retrograde shadow. Yes, the fun and games that usually come with this event are on their way, however we can make great use of realigning and organising ourselves for the upcoming 2020. ~ The Wild Healer ~ Picture Credit: @cosmiccollage

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