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  • ✨ Right where we’re meant to be…

    This year has carried so many mixed emotions! It feels like nothing has changed and that we’re moving through time at a snails pace but looking back, everything has changed and we’ve done so much! Accomplishments are an unmeasurable feature of life when we haven’t aligned it with our idea of progress. I read the other day that, if you only had 40% to give, and you gave all that you had, you gave 100%. This feels like this year in perfect explanation! We have all grown and changed within ourselves in exponential ways, but people are often uncomfortable with change, especially the change that wasn’t in our plans. Take this wind-down time to look back and reflect on all of the beauty that his slipped unnoticed in to your life this year. No matter how small you may feel it to be, it’s part of the grand plan. You are exactly where you are meant to be, no matter how painful or confusing. It is perfect. You are perfect. All masterpieces are ‘in the making’ at some point. The Guides explained the collective energies to me earlier in the year: ‘When the horse is refusing to drink the water you’ve lead it to, cut it loose. Then focus on your own energy. Take time to heal and reflect. Soon you will be crossing the water and will find yourself in a paddock with more horses to help! Enjoy this period of taking a step back.’ Back in 2019, there were so many shifts that were gearing towards the rising of the feminine. Those timelines took us down a very strange pathway, and the wrong programme loaded. Today, we are experiencing massive shifts that match the energy of back then. We are back on track, finally! Now is the time to gather your shit together, because even though we don’t know what’s coming, January is going to take off for us in all the right directions, full steam ahead! ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #5d #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #crystals #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #sunshinecoast #darwinnt Picture Credit: @oreshinaphoto

  • 🖤💀 The Watchers 💀🖤

    During my ascension I noticed these entities who had a very looming presence. They would hover outside of windows and doorways, watching me. At night time, I would wake up to them standing over me. I noticed that they would come uncomfortably close when I left my body to sleep and travel the astral planes. I never gave them permission to interact with me, so I found it rude and threatening that they were opportunistic and took advantage of me during my sleep. For years I slept with the light on! Light is too dense and they can’t come in, which is why you only see them when it’s twilight or dark. I’m always wildly triggered when I hear kids saying they’re afraid and that they want the light on. It’s most likely that they are very sensitive and can see things that have more power when it’s dark. My mum used to chuckle at me as an adult, and jokingly say, ‘Oh, are you afraid of the dark?’ I would reply, ‘I’m not afraid of the dark, I’m afraid of what’s in the dark.’ In the beginning I was quite terrified, especially as I didn’t have anyone to ask what they were. Eventually I found help in the form of mediums who tried to help me ground and protect myself, but nothing really worked. Over time I became less frightened and more irritated by their presence. I grew in my own powers and was able to send them away whenever they overstepped my boundaries. I’ve always called them ‘The Watchers’, because that’s exactly what they did. They watch over people who have come into their ascension, they observe how advanced they are and what their capabilities are. They look exactly like Dementors or Death Eaters from Harry Potter. Tall, faceless, black hooded figures that hover. When you catch them intruding, they dissipate through windows. I recently learned that The Book Of Enoch has a whole portion dedicated to ‘The Watchers’, they are fallen angels who watch over humanity. I couldn’t believe it when I found out that’s exactly what they are called! They can’t ever hurt you, or touch you within a physical capacity but they can force you into sleep and cause symptoms of sleep paralysis and night terrors. These days they don’t tend to bother me. Now I laugh at them, it must be rather boring watching me sit in my pyjamas, watching Netflix of an evening! ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #practicalmagic #witch #witchcraft #halloween #witches #wicca #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousnes #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #thewatchers #entities Picture Credit: @irinadzhul

  • Tapping into the Dark Feminine… 🖤

    The dark feminine is something I’ve been talking about a lot with clients recently, as I’ve been teaching women to tap into their personal pool of power. The Dark Feminine is something that is seemingly revered by societal standards because it’s so powerful, it could throw the patriarchy. While the Sacred Masculine can exert strength and stature, the Dark Feminine is all about power and seduction. For centuries, women have HAD to have different ‘fight’ styles to men. Meaning that we have perfected psychic senses and our sorcery has flourished. The Masculine is boastful and large, but the Dark or Deep Feminine is energetically potent beyond measure. You may have engaged in her magic at different stages of life depending on what your circumstances have been. We often dip into her energy when we ‘have nothing left to lose’, and ultimately want to see the world burn. When we are working from the Deep Feminine, we are an unstoppable force. Others around us move out of the way, they can sense the energy and respect it. It’s fierce, it’s determined, it’s calculated and calm. The best examples of this energy are Dragons. Dragon’s reputations preceded them, Dragons can breath fire but often don’t need to because they are given respect and a wide berth. The Spirit Guide that often works with us during this phase is the Sheeba, the Black Panther. Black Panther connects to astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence. Touch can be a significant path to explore to awaken ones concealed gifts. The black panthers sleek, smooth and sensual coat has been linked to sexuality. If panther comes into your life it may be asking you to resolve old sexual issues, or to embrace your sexuality fully. Sex magic is a huge part of connecting with the Dark Feminine. There is liberation in taking power back through sexual acts. After all, the creation and birth process is entirely concealed within the woman’s body, why shouldn’t the act in itself be reclaimed to empower the feminine? The Dark Feminine is potent magic when tapped into correctly. She is a force to be reckoned with and caution must be taken when choosing to step into her energy. Like Kali, the Dark Goddess, she will burn your life to the ground if she needs to, but she keeps your highest good in mind. She dissolves all forms that don’t serve you and rebuilds your life and your sense of self from the ground up. Have you worked with your Dark Feminine? ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #5d #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #darkfeminine Picture Credit: @midnightmoonvisuals

  • 🖤 The Dark Feminine 🖤

    Tis the season of the witch, and at this time, I’d like to honour The Dark Feminine and some of its Goddesses. People revere and avoid working with the dark goddesses for fear that they are evil. This a wild misconception created by the patriarchy, or from the viewpoint that shadow work and emotional processing should be avoided because it hurts. In many ways, darkness is metaphor for the deeper, unconscious truth that lurks below the surface. The dark goddesses will help you uncover these truths in your life. There are multiple reasons why you should work with the dark goddesses. They can teach you magical skills, lessons about death and rebirth, and help you work on the shadow self. They will not hold your hand or mollycoddle you through this journey together. They will show you the fire and burn you, singeing away anything in your field that holds you back. Until like the phoenix, you rise and rebirth into a stronger version of yourself. Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft: In Greek mythology, Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the moon, the night, spirits, the sea, and crossroads. She is associated with the Underworld and childbirth. Hecate is very popular with witches because she can be somewhat gentle and nurturing, yet she is still a dark goddess and represents everything that the night encompasses. Hecate is known as a goddess of love, compassion, and protection. She is very often called upon because she is strong yet soft. Hecate rules the crossroads between the physical and spiritual planes. She will help you illuminate your shadow self, your unconscious choices, and your soul path. Lilith, Goddess of the Moon: The myths of Lilith are old and convoluted. Lilith was the first wife of Adam, long before Eve, and she was made as his equal. She refused to conform and submit, so with the help of Lucifer, she escaped to the caves of Hell. Later, God created Eve out of Adam’s rib so that she would be subservient to him. Lilith lived on in obscurity, but she kept her own power. Although Lilith is a demon, she isn’t ‘bad’ in the way that we think of dark and light. She was demonized because she didn’t fit the mold and refused to conform to the pressures of her husband. Brigid, the Warrior-Maiden: Brigid can manifest as either a maiden, mother, or crone. She is the Celtic Goddess that is often depicted in triple form. She presides over the life, death, and rebirth cycle, but she also has three earthly passions which are poetry, smith-craft, and healing. She was the tender of the sacred flame and the goddess who helped to usher in spring. She is also the Celtic goddess of fertility, fire magic, healing, purification, and childbirth. Brigid is one of the dark goddesses because she is at her prime in the winter, she is also the goddess of fire. She will shine a light on every part of your life that feels obscure or hidden. Brigid doesn’t feel like a “dark” goddess exactly, but she has an extremely powerful, fiery nature. Kali, Goddess of Death and Destruction: In Hindu tradition, Kali is shown as a blue women with four to ten arms. She carries severed heads in each hand, but keep in mind that this image was mainly to scare off evil. Her job is to cleanse the world of all things bad. Kali represents empowerment, fortitude, and courage. She slays demons, provides ultimate protection from evil and is simultaneously a creator-goddess. The idea is that the creator could be both good and loving as well as fearsome. Like the other dark goddesses, she will burn your life to the ground if she needs to, but she keeps your highest good in mind. She dissolves all forms that don’t serve you and rebuilds your life and your sense of self from the ground up. Have you tapped into your Dark Feminine power or worked with these strong feminine archetypes yet? ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #5d #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #darkfeminine Picture Credit: @victoriangoddessofficial

  • ✨ Goddess Bastet ✨

    When I started back this year after Maternity Leave, I said that I was going to start talking about who my Guides are that I’m currently working with. I would like to introduce you all to the Goddess Bastet! Bastet has been working with me for a few years now, she is one of my Master Protectors. She keeps me safe from lower psychic attacks, clears energy around me and supports me and my clients with anything ‘mother journey’ related. I love Bastet because not only is she supportive and healing like an affectionate cat but she’s a bad ass that resonates with the Dark Feminine, she’s my vibe. I noticed her enter my life just before Covid hit, while I was working to bring through the Crystalline Children at the awakening of my Soul Doula Journey. Most of the time Maple, my black cat, is my shadow and follows me wherever I go. However, when Bastet first appeared to me, I was caught rather off guard. In my peripheral I was clearly seeing a very large black cat that isn’t Maple; It was in fact the Goddess Bastet! I first saw her clear as day when I was Saging the house one morning back in 2020. There were some very strong choice of French words used when I saw before me, a grandiose Ancient Egyptian Sphynx cat dripping in gold and jewels. She sat tall and proud, strong and calm. After initially shitting myself, I caught my breath and connected into why she was present. I knew that she wasn’t there to cause maleficence as she was working to clear energies with me, not to oppose the clearing. She communicated that she was here to guard me as I worked. ‘Cool’ I shrugged as I turned to carry on, not quite understanding her importance in my life at that moment. Bastet is the Egyptian Goddess of the home, domesticity, women's secrets, cats, fertility, and childbirth. She protected the home from evil spirits and disease, especially diseases associated with women and children. As with many deities in Egyptian religion, she also played a role in the afterlife as a guide and helper to the dead although this was not one of her primary duties. Bastet was known to protect against Apep, the Serpent Demon. In ancient Egypt, Apep is the deification of several evil concepts including darkness, chaos and destruction. Bastet protected the Sun God Ra in his nightly travels across the sky from these energies. This role resulted in her acquiring another title: “the Lady of the Flame” (Lady of the Light). Bastet came into my life when I was working to help woman on their birthing journey, only to find that I would be going on my own journey to Motherhood, with her by my side. I have recently come to appreciate her powerful protection against ‘snake-like’ lower energy. I have been doing this work for decades, and it still truly amazes me how everything is connected and how things turn out. The proverbial puzzle pieces get thrown out randomly and just when you think you can see an image coming together, more pieces get added, and it looks like something entirely different. Even in my healing work, I help those who have passed over to bring through messages. It’s not one of my primary duties, but of course if they come through during sessions, I will assist them. I love that Bastet also plays a side role as a Guide and a helper to the dead, all while supporting and protecting the Mother Journey workers. I have so much love and gratitude for this beautiful Goddess. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #5d #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #bastet #goddessbastet Picture Credit: @iamladybita

  • Dragons...

    Dragons are one of my favourite mystical creatures to work with! ✨🐲✨ During sessions with clients, I channel Spirits, Guides, Angels and sometimes mythical creatures like Dragons! Dragons can be communicated with in the 4th and 5th dimensions but reside mainly in the 7th. I love when Dragons show up because they are so picky, and don’t work with just anyone. If dragons work with you, it means that you resonate with ’TRUTH’ frequency. Dragons hate liars! I akin their personalities to that of a horse, they can be a bit snobby. This isn’t a bad thing, it just means that they will only work with you if you are ‘present’ and honest. Horses will often jerk the rider around if their energies are off. They don’t want you funking up their auras, and dragons are much the same, they set boundaries. Dragons will often give three names when they appear. The first name they offer is their truest name, but is entirely unpronounceable because they contain sounds that as humans, we cannot make. The second name they give is translated into human sounds and is incredibly grandiose, like ‘Arenghorn’ or ‘Embarrahndon’. Often these names can be mispronounced too, so the third name is said with a huffy tone: ‘Just call me Bob’. As you can imagine, there are many different types of Dragons. Some have been portrayed through art in different countries and cultures around the world, and they all look rather different. For example, Asian Dragons have always been shown to be long and twisted like snakes but have feathered nasal flaps. European Dragons look larger and typical in stature to the times of ‘Camelot’. Then you have Sea Dragons, Snow or Ice Dragons, Shadow Dragons, and all the colours of light spectrum Dragons. Each have a different frequency and work with us for a variety of reasons. Archangel Raphael, the Master Healer is known for his animal communication connections but he also works with Dragons. So whenever Raphael shows up during sessions, he has the potential to bring the Dragons with him if they are working with the person. Some Dragons are bound to souls for eternity, this is entirely their choice, they are very rarely enslaved due to their ability to shift between dimensions. I have come across a couple of people who have eternal Dragon guardians, It’s a beautiful bond. However, Dragons can show up just to support a person for a period of time when thy are going through things that they resonate with, much like Spirit Guides or Angels. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #5d #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #dragons Picture Credit: @tedslittledream

  • What happens when we pass over?

    Did you know that there is a Spiritual Ceremony that happens when we transition from the Earth Plane to the Spirit Realm? Yes, we have a funeral to mourn the loss, and celebrate of the life of those who have passed over. However, the Spirit World has a ‘receiving’ ceremony that coincides with our Earthly traditions and send-offs. Upon the tragic news of her Majesty The Queen’s passing on 8th September, I wondered about her receiving ceremony and what would happen to her during this ‘In Between’ period. Often when someone passes over, they are held in limbo that works almost like a decompression chamber. Immediately after death, the soul leaves the body and becomes aware that they are no longer attached to their physical existence. As you can imagine, this can be quite a daunting experience, which is why it’s important to gradually acclimatise the soul back to the Spiritual Planes. Funerals can take place anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks after the persons passing. During this time, there are a lot of emotions that are experienced on the Earth Plane by loved ones that have been left behind. When this happens, the soul is pulled towards the person that is connecting with them. This is often why people feel their presence when they are grieving. Now, if this soul has a lot of people who love them on the earth plane, they are often pulled in many different directions, very quickly, and it can be a bit discombobulating for them. I wondered about what was happening to Queen Elizabeth II, someone who had such public standing, and for so long. So I tuned into her energies to find out! What I found was that her soul had small stature, much like her physical body, and was surrounded by very tall ancient soldiers that have served as the Queen or Kings Guard for centuries. Her soul was being heavily protected and was not being pulled from place to place, she was static. There were lots of very mixed emotions and energies being sent her way and she needed to be shielded from them, quite rightly so! This image of her became more and more understood as mourning ceremonies continued for 10 days after her passing. Her body was placed in Westminster Abbey, she was surrounded by guards and her children and grandchildren held vigils as she was lying-in-state. Something I have observed at funerals is that it is a union of ceremonies between the Earth Plane and the Spirit World. As we hold funerals to appreciate the life of the person and their transition, there are ceremonial ‘White Kings/Guards’ that stand ready to receive the soul. As the coffin is placed into the hearse, the spirits accept the soul into a chariot pulled by white horses. In union these vehicles move towards their final resting place. It’s a beautiful connection between worlds, showing love and gratitude for time spent being of service. It’s a difficult journey being on the planet, and it is celebrated so. Once the funeral takes place and the body is laid to rest, the journey of stepping back and transitioning can begin for the soul. As time goes by, they are called upon less frequently and it is less disruptive for the soul. There is a level of experience and understanding that has settled in. When fully transitioned in to the Spirit Realm, there are many duties that they can fulfil. Our loved ones can watch over us, and become part of our Spirit Team. They can also help other souls acclimatise back in to their ethereal bodies. Souls always have the ability to come back to the Earth Plane when called upon, so long as there is at least one person alive that still connects with them. Once there is no remaining people on the planet that has knowledge of their existence, they don’t come back and they can finally settle in the heavens or chose to reincarnate and join previous soul groups. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Wayshower Support • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #5d #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #queenelizabethII #passover #death #funerals Picture Credit:

  • Archangel Uriel is currently helping with Ascension...

    Archangel Uriel came to me last night, I could see his ruby red glow all around me. I don’t tend to work with him personally all that often, so I was intrigued as to why he had shown up for me. Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom and his name means, ‘God is My Light’. He shines the light of truth into the darkness of confusion. People call upon Uriel when making decisions, learning new information, solving problems and resolving conflicts. Often when I see him during sessions with clients, he’s there to shine a light into their darkness, and illuminate the truth they have been seeking, but not seeing. And so I asked him why he was here to help me at this time. I’m sure many of us are experiencing difficulties currently, with soul identity crisis and emotional disruptions. This year has just been one thing after another with Karmic tests and extreme Ascension acceleration. Personally, I have been really struggling with the Solar Flares, Schumann Resonance spikes, timeline jumps and thinning between dimensions. For me, time has been speeding up, intensely so! It’s not a case of, ‘Oh where does the time go’, but actual days going by and seeing the date and being confused. Or I’m stuck on one particular day and it drags on for what feels like an eternity. I’ve been noticing for months the timeline shifts becoming quicker and stronger in their energies. It feels like we are in an intense dream space where anything can happen. Fatigue, exhaustion, nausea, brain fog, and emotional outbursts are common Ascension symptoms. I have been trying to navigate those who are lost at this time, by helping people connect to joy, and teaching them to follow the breadcrumbs of happiness towards their larger bliss. This energy seems to be the thing that anchors us into the higher timelines and keeps us grounded, and aware. Uriel showed up for me last night because he’s helping light up the path ahead. This year The Guides upgraded my posting to ‘Leader for Wayshowers’. My ego is never a fan of titles or positions of leadership, so I had to sit with it for a while. The Guides needed me to understand that I am one of few who is able to navigate this storm as I can hear them very clearly. Being a ‘Lone Wolf’ all my life, I understand the concept of having to go through things on my own. This period of spiritual evolution is something that can feel particularly isolating and lonely. Connecting to the higher realms requires turning inwards, and those who are used to reflecting upon current situations from external sources, will have a difficult time transitioning. This Full Moon will help illuminate answers or directions we are seeking. Security won’t come from thinking things through but from FEELING things through. The scary thing about this journey is that the heart doesn’t have to know, it doesn’t need a tangible answer, its only job is to feel. When we let that feeling rise up, when we give that feeling permission to be, it can move us, direct us, and become our guiding light. This is why Uriel is working with the collective so strongly at the moment, he is there helping to guide us with his light. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #5d #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #archangels #archangeluriel #uriel Picture Credit: @midnightmoonvisuals

  • Channelled Message from Archangel Gabriel...

    The Angelics have been streaming through during healing sessions recently! It’s been wonderful to see them so clearly and channel their messages for you guys. I have been doing a lot of work connecting in with the Seven Rays, and learning on a deeper level, how to access these healing frequencies. Gabriel seems to keep coming through with the same message and attunements at the moment, and I love what he’s about. A lot of my current healing sessions are to anchor people into the new light grids, and open up their channels to these new streams of higher vibrations. They are receiving immense healing, and are being opened up to their gifts. It’s truly magical work that I’ve not had the pleasure of assisting with on this level before. It’s intense to say the least! Archangel Gabriel has been working with the crown and higher crown chakras during the activation process. He is stood in a pillar of diamond white light and is holding a silver chalice. In this sacred cup, is a silver liquid light. This light represents life force energy. His message is very clear, each time he comes through: “If your cup is facing down, your life force energy will be streaming out and providing energy for those around you, uncontrolled and free flowing. This will leave you feeling depleted, empty and resentful. You must hold your cup up to your chest, over your heart chakra. This will allow the cup to fill with life-force energy. This energy belongs to you, if you chose to share your energy with others, only give from the overflow.” This is something that I have been preaching for years, and now the angelics have jumped on board with this! Your sacred energy is just that, sacred! It’s yours, it belongs to you. It’s a vital part of our existence, without it we experience a plethora of lower vibrational ailments. We have been taught through ideologies, religious teachings and societal pressures, to give everything we have, and then we will be rewarded for our sacrifices. Heaven forbid we drink from our own cups! We are no longer in this time of suffering. We are in a time for reclaiming what is sacred, what is ours! We need to start seeing ourselves at the top of the pyramid, where we come first, so that our energy and gifts can trickle down to others. If we place ourselves at the bottom, we have nowhere else to go and feel crushed by the pressures of supporting those we have placed above us. One of the messages the Guides have been giving is: ‘The moment you show up for yourself, advocate for yourself and support yourself, the energy will shift in your favour and gifts and blessings from the universe will flow through!!’ This is in total alignment with the messages Archangel Gabriel has been offering. When we tune into and honour our higher selves, we connect to our magic. We will have more energy and can be of better assistance to others. It’s not selfish, it’s essential! Light workers have been doing incredible work on the planet with the tools that have been available to them. Now is the time to upgrade those tools and ways of working. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #archangelgabriel #channelledmessages Picture Credit: @ironika_photo

  • Energy Update: Lions Gate Portal and Aquarius Super Full Moon

    This Lions Gate Portal and Aquarius Super Full Moon was potent as hell; I was rolling around in its energy! The 8/8 Portal was greatly affected by Mars, which bought a lot of Masculine energy to the table. I thoroughly enjoyed the lessons that came up! I’m sure many have struggled with the energies that have presented recently, particularly if you have been experiencing loss of soul path and direction due to the intense flits between timelines. The main theme for the 8/8 Portal and Super Full Moon, was a shift forward in our individual identities and karmas. We have already learned so much about our past wounds, and why we are the way we are. Now is the time to put these experiences into action, and move forward positively with the tools we’ve picked up along the way. Something that I never really talk about is my own Karmic Lessons or wounds that I need to heal in this life cycle. Interestingly though, I always attract clients who have very similar lessons to learn. Talk about resonation station! I think it’s important to talk about my own lessons, so that I can in turn, help to support others on their healing journey. Who knows, you may connect with my words and feel more comfortable in your own skin. My Karma in this cycle, is to heal is feminine wounding. I have always encountered narcissistic and emotionally manipulative women or rejection from the feminine. Ever since I was little, I experienced having better and more fulfilling relationships with men or boys, over girls or women. I found that the feminine were deceptive with their intentions or emotions, and being a clairsentient that resonates with truth frequency, I couldn’t get on board with this. Being a Starseed, my purpose as a healer is also to be a mirror. I reflect back at people that of which needs healing in themselves. As you can imagine, this isn’t always well received! Because of this part of me, quite often the feminine would read me wrong and reject me because they saw me as something that ‘didn’t fit in’ or that I was some form threat. Naturally, these types of experiences can turn someone into a people pleaser and result in being hyper vigilant, or feeling responsible for other peoples emotions. It’s taken many years to get comfortable being in my own quirky skin and accepting that other peoples karmas and emotions are not my responsibility. On this particular healing journey, guilt is something you constantly battle! The guilt of choosing not to hold other peoples emotions for them, the guilt of setting boundaries, the guilt of not being ‘everything for everyone’… ahh the list goes on!! I’m sure that many of you reading this are nodding and ‘Yes-sing’ in your heads, you follow me because you resonate! Well my loves, you are here because my truest magic and forte is to help you get out of these same karmic loops. To teach you how to love yourself, to be your truest authentic self, and get you back on your highest vibrational timeline. High Priestess energy was flowing through this portal, and allowed us to stand in the potency of our truest and highest powers! It cleared and healed so much. Did you feel it? ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #lionsgateportal #superfullmoon Picture Credit: @alexandravbach

  • ✨🧚🏻‍♂️ FAIRIES 🧚🏻‍♀️✨

    I don’t tend to talk too much about fairies, why? I don’t know, I think even in my mind I still think they sound a bit bonkers! (Even though half the stuff that comes channelled out of my mouth is utterly ridiculous!) When I lived in Cornwall, the heart and home to faries, I never saw them. I used to go to psychic conventions and see people dressed up as them and would write them off as the ‘out there’ types… I moved to Darwin, and POW! The buggers are everywhere! Try going to Bunnings for a browse and a coffee and they’re all hanging out in the cottage & herb gardens. Why am I writing this piece? Well, recently I was so enamoured by something that came up during a client’s session, and it touched my heart in the purest of ways! During Celestial Reiki, we were channelling messages and working to clear energy, and then BAM! I was placed in her home and there were ridiculous amounts of fairies in the walls and roof of her house. It wasn’t negative by any stretch of the imagination, it was wonderful! Their home was a buzz with elementals! I was then shown her daughter whispering, singing and calling to the fairies! She was inviting them in! When I said this, my client said: “Oh yes! We sing and talk to them every day!’ It turned out that they have little animals that pop into the roof that make noise in the evening. The story that is told though, is that there are fairies in the roof. However, her daughter, who is just so pure and full of magic, has actually called upon the fairies and their home is now full of them!! After asking if it was okay to share this wonderful experience, She sent me just the most gorgeous photos of her little girl dressed up as a fairy! Honestly, this made my heart melt into a puddle. The intention, bliss, happiness and purity of her connections are unmatched. She has actively chosen to welcome love and lighter elementals into her space and her life is connected to magic and creation. I think that we can all take a leaf out of this little girl’s book, that when we choose to have purity in our heart, believe in magic, and live in this energy, magic floods in and surrounds us in a very real way. Repeat after me: ‘I BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!’ 🧚🏻✨ ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #fairies #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki Picture Credit: @midnightmoonvisuals


    Archangels are of the highest ranking angels within the Heavenly Council. Each of the seven archangels represent the attributes of God. Working with or calling upon certain Archangels can help you move through periods of Karmic Learning. Archangel Michael - ‘Who is Like God’ Colour: Electric Blue Ray: 1st Symbol: Sword Day: Sunday Element: Fire Represents: Archangel Michael is most often thought of as the angel of protection. Leader of the Army of God, Spiritual Warrior, aids conflicts against evil. Archangel Jophiel - Beauty of God Colour: Yellow or Golden Ray: 2nd Symbol: Lotus Day: Monday Represents: Archangel Jophiel is the patron saint of artists. She helps us to create and manifest beauty in our hearts and surroundings, and to think positively. Archangel Chamuel - ‘One Who Sees God’ Colour: Pink Ray: 3rd Symbol: Heart Day: Tuesday Represents: Archangel Chamuel helps to heal anxiety, bring peace, and repairs relationships or misunderstandings. Archangel Gabriel - ‘God is My Strength’ Colour: Diamond White Ray: 4th Symbol: Silver chalice or cup Day: Wednesday Element: Water Represents: Archangel Gabriel is known as the messenger angel and herald of visions. Archangel Raphael - ‘God Heals’ Colour: Emerald Green Ray: 5th Symbol: Caduceus Day: Thursday Element: Air Represents: Archangel Raphael is a Master Healer, Animal Communicator, and works with Dragons. Archangel Uriel - ‘God is My Light’ Colour: Ruby Red Ray: 6th Symbol: Flame, ball of light or golden pentacle Day: Friday Element: Earth Represents: Archangel Uriel shines a light on situations or into times of darkness. Provides wisdom, guidance and spiritual healing. Archangel Zadkiel - ‘Righteousness of God’ Colour: Violate Ray: 7th Symbol: Knife or dagger Day: Saturday Represents: Archangel Zadkiel is the saviour of the repentant from the darkness. Freedom, Love, Transfiguration, Compassion, and Mercy. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #archangels #thesevenraysoflight Picture Credit: @angelwhispersfromheaven


    A couple of years ago, Twin Flames became all the rage… much to my dismay! The amount of young girls that would come to me and ask for a Twin Flame Reading or ask the question: ‘I want to meet my Twin Flame, when will this happen?’ Ay ay ay! Let’s be straight... (because you know I can’t be anything but!) Twin Flames are NOT the rosey romantic relationship that they have been painted to be. Don’t get me wrong, they stay with you for a lifetime but not always for good reasons. The main difference is that while your Twin Flame is two halves of the same soul, Soulmates are two souls that belong together. Fluffy on the surface right? A Twin Flame is where two souls are cut from the same flame, they are identical in energy. They are bound throughout each incarnation, and work to clear all karma between their souls so that eventually, in one life, they may be able to come together in peaceful union. That is to say that every union outside of this, is turbulent and heart wrenching! When you meet your Twin Flame, the world stops around you. Time slows down and each moment becomes imprinted onto your mind, like a movie. You cannot eat, sleep or breathe without thinking about them. You feel like every step of your life was leading you towards them. You are hooked by the overwhelming sensation of connection. In the beginning these relationships are pure magic, love and fireworks. However! You can feel rather drunk from the intensity of the connection, and as we know, addictions tend to turn south because we become dependent on those highs. Very quickly these relationships become difficult, and multiple reasons appear as to why you cannot be together, they can be very push pull. Rarely will you find any form of commitment from your Twin Flame. The intensity of the love you have for them starts to burn a hole in your heart, where once was a warm glow. Your Twin Flam is unobtainable, your happy ending is always out of reach. It should be so easy, you feel in your soul that you are meant to be together but alas you never align. Quickly, you will start to experience emotions of upset, overwhelm, confusion, heartbreak and grief. The imprint of your Twin Flame experience never leaves you. Quite often they can be a catalyst, a life changing juncture where you both head off in completely different directions. A Soulmate connection, however is a breath of fresh air! Much like the Twin Flame, your souls are bound together and you are destined to meet. You may experience huge life upheavals before you meet them. This is simply because the Universe needs you to get out of your comfort zone, grow as an individual and reach a precipice of maturity before you can begin this journey. Your Soulmate, is one of friendship, support, ease and healing. They are someone who walks into your life and makes you instantly feel that you can be truly yourself without filter. They have been on a similar journey of upheaval to get to you too! It feels like you have reconnected with an old friend and they are here to stay! They hold space for you, make you feel safe and allow you to heal as an individual so that you can grow together towards a beautiful future. Okay, let’s talk about how these two relationships FEEL by comparison to one another, so that you are easily able to identify when you are in them. In a Twin Flame relationship, you FALL in love, whereas in a Soulmate relationship, you ARE in love. One burns hot and bright, and the other is a lasting flame. - Soul Mate: Easy, comfortable, effortless, like you can truly be yourself around them. - Twin Flame: Overwhelmed, sensory overload, obsessed, as if your heart is going to fall out of your chest, drunk. These are two very different vibrations to be felt within our bodies. One makes you feel quite peaceful and relaxed, the other puts you on edge. So, now you understand the difference between these Soul connected relationships and why you wouldn’t actively seek out the Twin Flame Dynamic, if what you are searching for is your Soul Mate. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #soulmate #twinflame #soulconnections #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #bohobeach Picture Credit:

  • ✨ What it means to be a Soul Doula ✨

    The evolution of light consciousness has reached a point where new souls are arriving on mass. These are the Crystalline Souls! They are incredibly pure in frequency, highly gifted and have never incarnated on Earth before. We are at a precipice for peace, the new Earth, the return of Atlantis if you will. These new souls are healers, channels and scale tippers towards the light! Soul Doulas are needed to guide them towards their mothers, help anchor them and connect them with their highest timelines. I started this work a few years ago, and it approached me in many different ways. I noticed a new type of Angelic was working with me during Pregnancy Reiki sessions. They look like very young Angels, but nothing like Cherubs! I call them ‘The Soul Bringers’. I noticed that these Angelics would gather around women who were pregnant. Upon channelling them, I found that it was their job to ‘stitch’ the soul of the child to their assigned mother, and ensure the transition was a smooth one. They would spend more time with women who had complications or previous miscarriages, or if the mother was enduring a large amount of stress in her life. The Soul Bringers would sing and create harmonic frequencies that caused the ‘stitch’ between the mother and the Crystalline Soul. People say that pregnant women glow, but in these cases, they actually do! Their auras shine brighter, not only because there are two souls in one body, but because they are surrounded by pure Angelic Entities! During this work I also noticed souls ‘floating’ around people. Quite often I will say to women who come to see me that there is a little incarnate nearby and if you so choose, they would pick you as a mother. I’m able to see what they will look like as a person, usually around the age of two to three years for age. I can see their personality, what they like doing and how they bond with their parents. These visions are always surrounded by the most beautiful, dreamy light. There are also souls that hover around people, long after their opportunity to be birthed has passed. For example, if a women miscarries or has a termination, the soul may stick around to see if it can come through again later. Another instance, which I find the most fascinating of all is when I see souls that are adults and come through during channelling, as brothers or sisters of my client. This indicates that the client’s mother had miscarriages or terminations. The soul had decided to stay with this cluster of souls, and ‘grow up’ to support them from the spirit world. They may get the opportunity to be birthed in the next cycle with them as a soul family or bound by Karma. I have really committed to doing this work as a Soul Doula because it is surrounded by so much love and joy! It’s never something I pursued, the Universe just kinda said: ‘Oi! Here you go, do this!’. I’ve been a High Priestess during the times of Atlantis. This work bought me so much joy back then, and so naturally I have been called to carry out this magic again now! ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Healing • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #starseed #starseedsofinstagram #crystalhealing #tarottribe #higherconsciousness #arcturian #metaphysical #psychicmedium #spirituality #tarot #reiki #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife #bohobeach Picture Credit: @yanasaintlevie

  • Venusians and the Crystalline Cities… ✨

    Celestial Reiki sessions have really been ramped up this past couple of weeks! The Guides have been launching me into intense dimensions, and tapping us into Galactic Healing Centres. Every now and again I get to visit the Venusians and their Crystalline Cities, but this week I encountered the most intense experience of them with such vivid connections. The Venusians exist in a realm that has many different ecosystems, much like our own, except theirs is just so magical! They have violet skies, with many planets and suns that can be seen during the day. Their Crystalline cities are extremely high vibrational and almost look holographic from a distance, but they are iridescent and shimmer in the light. They have forests that host a plethora of magical creatures and elementals, that are similar to the movie Avatar. I have been enraptured by a caterpillar-like creature on a previous visit! It looked a lot like a Blue Dragon Sea Slug. It spun down from a tree on a thread of silk that glowed, it spat webs of light and pulsed its anemone-like tentacles. The Venusians have expansive oceans that are filled with creatures we only hear about in fairytales. Dolphins exist here and are an extremely telepathic race, they are respected for their regal hierarchy. In the underwater realms of the Venusian lands, exist Merpeople. They can shape-shift their identity depending on how they feel in certain situations. If startled they present fierce and look like those from Harry Potter, but when relaxed and playful they emanate beauty. Once accepted by them, they shower you with gifts to make you feel welcome and offer their home freely. Each being that exists here has the capacity to embrace you with such high vibrational love and healing energy. The dimensions are so high up, that I experience a sensation of being underwater, or having the bends, it's an intense head pressure to go up that high! You most definitely feel the aches and pains of your body when you come back down to Earth, thats for sure! It’s been so lovely connecting so intensely with the Guides before I take a step back this year. I think they know how much I love spending time with them, and they are showering me with incredible experiences to get me through this quiet muggle time laid out before me on my path. Motherhood is a different kind of exciting, but oh, how wonderful it is to be up in the heavens. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #venus #venusian #venusianenergy #crystalline #crystallinecities #venusianstarseed #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife Picture Credit: @kailastargazer

  • Merging Energies and Exploring New Realms…

    When I work on clients, I am able to access their Spirit Team and call upon them for assistance during healing sessions. Recently I experienced the most profound group of beings and fell in love with how their healing modalities worked. The moment that they connected with me, I was transported to their realm. I’m not going to lie, it felt like i’d walked on to the film set of Willow! They worked as a community to honour the healing ritual. Their practice was almost mirrored with that of Pagan Magic and deeply connected with the Green Man Deity. They honoured the realm and utilised symbiotic relationships within nature to dismantle negative energy. They created a Poppet fashioned out of roots and vines, then placed it on my client’s Solar Plexus. Poppets are dolls used for sympathetic magic, and are designed in the likeness of individuals in order to represent them in spells to help, heal or harm. They were able to transfer negative energy out of her body and into the makeshift Poppet, using wands, whispered chants and whistles. Once they had removed the cloud of buzzing energy from her body, they placed the Poppet into a little wooden boat and floated it down a stream. I asked what would happen to the Poppet, and they told me that there were Pisky-like creatures that lived in the shaded part of the river that would feed on the negative energy contained in the Poppet, and thus transmuting the magic back into a creative force. Although I had never seen or head of this magic, it made perfect sense to me! After this, they created a Sigil and painted it onto her body using clay paint. The symbol was of a downturned crescent moon, beneath a rising sun. I asked what it meant, and they replied that it simply allowed her to open and close her energy portals like the shift between night and day. This would allow her to be more in control of when to give energy and when to restore it, therefore creating harmony and balance. I was, and still am entirely blown away by the intensity and clarity of this connection. As I am a Channel, I am able to be in a trance and experience other worlds, while describing what I am seeing to my client. The second the connection is complete or fulfilled, I am instantly back in my body again. This can include experiencing past lives too. It doesn’t matter how long I spend doing this work, I still find it the most uplifting and fulfilling thing to wake up to each day, no matter how crazy-bonkers the adventure is! ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #energyhealing #dimensions #portals #realms #guides #spiritteam #spirituality #channelling #spiritualhealer #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife Picture Credit: @dreamy_moons

  • ✨ M E M O R I E S ✨

    I’ve noticed recently that I have been delving into core childhood memories with clients. I am able to access them in ways I’ve never done before. Spirit knows that childhood innocence resonates so strongly in the work that I carry out, and buzzes through my childlike soul. So they have presented me with an incredible gift! The ability to tap into your beautiful childhood memories and bring them back to you in such vivid ways. They allow me to see you, the way you look and how you feel at that moment in time. I can taste, smell, hear, see and connect with everything around you in those memories. The way the light plays out in these visions are akin to movies! It’s like golden sun rays pouring through the tree canopy. I’ve seen road trips to the beach on holidays, playing in old fashioned go carts and bicycles, riding horses, the list goes on… The most beautiful part of the work I get to share with clients, is how they viewed their loved ones. When we’re are experiencing life through the eyes of childhood innocence, we are blissfully unaware of negative vibrations. We live through our heart space, open and expansive. This allows us to view the people we love with beauty, their quirks and annoying habits to boot! What’s the purpose of spirit taking us to these spectacular moments in your life? We spend so much time focusing on progress, adulting and things we ‘have to do’ and very rarely take the time to tap in to our childlike bliss. When we are transported back to times where things were ‘simple’ or ‘easy’, our shoulders drop and we find a calm wave ripple through us that sends us straight to a place of joy! What we fail to acknowledge is that times back then probably weren’t easy or simple… but your mindset was geared to experience life with beauty and a thirst for play and exploration. So taking these beautiful gifts from spirit, we can apply these same principles to the current moment of life we are in. Grab a pot of bubbles and blow light and colour into your life. Roll down the grass hills, make daisy chains, and laugh until your belly hurts! Connect to your inner child and see where they take you! 💕 ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #childhoodinnocence #youngatheart #foreveryoung #memories #channelling #spirituality #connect #innerchild #intuitive #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife Picture Credit:

  • Moving Through Timelines…

    It feels as though there have been many timelines opening and closing recently. We are being given the opportunity to choose our experiences. This doesn’t simply mean that we would only pick easy timelines, sometimes we have karma to clear. When an opportunity presents itself to work on hidden lessons, we fixate on the energy and amplify more of it. Whether good or bad, manifestation is a neutral platform. When you are struggling with an intense amount of something, it’s an opportunity to take a step back. Breathe and reassess your mindset towards the situation. Often these situations have repetition, to really drive home the lesson. For example, if you keep hitting road blocks or stagnation when trying to move forward, continuously striving to achieve in all directions is going to exhaust you. Ask yourself: Why are these blocks happening? Perhaps you have a bad habit of people pleasing, or perfectionism that needs to be addressed. Instead of trying to complete everything, reevaluate the importance of what you are faced with and take baby steps towards your goals. Perhaps you are failing to see yourself as important and you need to prioritise your self care before moving on. Perhaps you need to learn patience, or how to focus less on what needs doing and more on what you would like to do. Connect to what brings joy to your present moment. Once you become aware of the lessons unfolding, it makes it easier to navigate your way through the karma. You can be the master of timelines and shift your vibration to one of more peace and harmony, if that is where you chose to be. Remember, without struggle, there is no growth. If everything were perfect and blissful all of the time, there would be no reason for signing up to life cycles on the planet. This is our opportunity to learn, with intensity, before going back home. What are you learning on your path at the moment? ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #timeline #karma #starseed #lifelessons #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin Picture Credit: @ksiezycolica

  • Gemini Season And Its Bag Of Planetary Fun...

    I’ve been taking some much needed time out this past couple of weeks to hibernate. I always find that when the collective is doing and feeling better, I need to take a step back to recuperate. The planets in the sky are about to start doing silly dances and the energies often amount to you guys not doing so great and needing a little help! This year seems to have flown by so quickly and a lot of people are discovering that they are burnt out already and feel like they haven’t achieved all that much. Whereas in reality we have endured so much transformation and change in our core that we fail to acknowledge the emotional and situational achievements and milestones we’ve been powering through this year. So, let’s dive right into what’s coming up for us and how we can best harness the energies to our advantage. Gemini Season starts on May 20th and brings with it three Retrogrades, a Super Blood Moon Eclipse, a Solar Eclipse and a Partridge in a Pear Tree! (You sang that last part in your head). All of this planetary energy means that Gemini Season will be a time of change, growth, renewal, and reflection. · Sun Enters Gemini - May 20th · Saturn Retrograde - May 23rd · Super Blood Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius - May 26th · Mercure Retrograde May 29th to June 22nd · New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini - June 10th · Jupiter Retrograde - June 20th · June Solstice - June 20th Anyone else sweating a little looking at this? Okay, let’s start with the baseline energy for this upcoming month. Gemini and the two faced twins! Gemini energy gives us the opportunity to take a look at things from another angle. What’s going on in front of us on a surface level and what’s happening behind the scenes connecting to the bigger picture. On a positive note, Gemini’s energy can be playful and intellectually inquisitive, so you may find yourself indulging in your passions and trying new hobbies. However, don’t take on too much as you may find yourself juggling and you might drop the ball. On Wednesday 26th May there will be a Super Moon and a Total Lunar Eclipse. This event is quite rare, and the energies will be extremely potent. Super Moons eventuate when the Moon is closer than usual to Earth, meaning that its energetic effects are much stronger. Whenever there is a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon appears to have a reddish hue which is why it is referred to as a Blood Moon As this Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, we may discover a newfound sense of optimism, spontaneity and fun. However, as we are currently within Mercury Retrogrades shadow, we may experience the reverse energies of this sign too, working too hard, irritability and self-worth issues. If you find yourself becoming unsettled, dip into your creative pool and invite your inner child, they are great at helping to connect to joy and playfulness. On Saturday 29th May, Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, enters its second Retrograde of the year. Mercury Retrogrades are a time for us to re-evaluate, retrace our steps, and assess our habits, attitudes, and behaviours of the past before proceeding ahead. Mercury is the planet of communication, contracts, technology, transport, and media. When the planet is Retrograde, difficulties in these areas may arise. Mercury Retrograde is however, a wonderful time to tap into new levels of your intuition. You may experience more ease in your connection, your senses will be heightened due to the Solstice energies approaching on June 20th. The Solstice is a sacred time where the veil between dimensions is thin and the energy lines of the Earth are more active. Before we get there though we have another Eclipse! Eclipses typically come in pairs, so the second and final Eclipse of the Season will be the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th. Now, I’m never a fan of New Moons as there can be pesky dark energies at play on the planet. Couple this with an Eclipse of the Sun and it solidifies a real lack of light! Just remember though, it’s always darkest before the dawn. These energies could help you break through what’s holding you back and shed light on new ways of working. Take a deep breath, you might not be able to make sense of things just yet but know that new opportunities are on the way. To best harness these upcoming energies, make time to check in on yourself. Get into the habit of knowing how you feel, so that you can change accordingly. If you are becoming stagnant or depleted, relinquish and pull back to rest phase. If you have more energy, flirt with your creative essence. Make time for your work and social life but ensure you allow yourself to pull back when you sense a shift. This month is about finding balance between Gemini’s flip side. You don’t have to be one or the other, you can be both if you are mindful of what’s coming in around you. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #enlightenment #wellbeing #meditation #spirituality #mindful #raiseyourvibration #healthychanges #mindbody #holistic #holistichealth #crystalhealing #crystalsandmindfullness #tarotcommunity #tarottribe #starseed #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife Picture Credit: @rockpoolpublishing

  • Journey of The Wild Healer…

    Created from a passion to help others, intensely captivated by the lighter realms and connections with spirit, The Wild Healer was birthed in Darwin, Australia. The Wild Healer was formed by a mind enchanted by travel, a body with gypsy feet and a soul with a wanderlust heart. I explored the world, visiting sacred sites and landed in the red dirt of Australia, in the Solar Plexus of the planet, the Healing Energy Epicentre. In the beginning I was entirely unsure of how Darwin would receive an Animal Communicator, Tarot Card Reader and Celestial Reiki Practitioner. Thankfully I had found a place of beauty and The Wild Healer flourished because of kind word of mouth and a warm welcome. Tarot is something I had dabbled with for years; I truly fell in love with the craft after discovering how wonderful the messages were that came through for others. I developed a unique and harmonious method of intuitively reading Tarot Cards. It was a way to bring direction and clarification; my mediumship skills allowed me to speak with your guides and angels, and this helped to instil their insightful messages. Energy Healing is something that came extremely naturally to me, I could always feel what was wrong with others in a medical mediumship manner. After testing my gifts in the real world and following guidance from the Universe, I knew it was time to raise the bar, and thus began Celestial Reiki for The Wild Healer. I discovered that I could go back and heal moments in time, uncover past lives and remove entities or attachments. I am able to access high vibrational frequencies, activate and assimilate Light Code and align people with their divine purpose. As I pushed deeper into my gifts, I discovered that I could allow Spirit to speak through me. Higher Beings began to channel their messages, for clients and sometimes just for me. This is how The Wild Healer provides a unique healing experience by using the main principles of Reiki, infused with Crystal Healing, Aromatherapy and Angelic Assistance. As a born Animal Communicator, I’ve always had an extremely close bond with animals. They would somehow find me and follow me for a chat. Working in an Aquarium showed me the range of different species I could bond with; my favourite conversations were with a Giant Pacific Octopus named Rainbow. I would bring her crystals to play with and I dedicated my free time to healing her with Reiki. When The Wild Healer was created, I knew that Animal Communication and Healing was going to be a big part of this journey. I help to facilitate conversations between owners and their animals, helping them to understand problems their pets are dealing with. This service is perfect for alleviating anxieties and reducing stress in animals. Reiki Healing treatments allow them to relax and release blocked energies. Growing up in the UK, I was spoilt for choice with abundance of Crystal Shops! Any time off was spent at psychic fairs, searching for treasures and discovering new levels of Crystal Healing. When I came to Australia, there wasn’t nearly as much available, and I was determined to bring more of this beautiful experience to others. So, I decided to set up a Crystal Shop in Darwin! Of course, I had to incorporate my other loves too; Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards, Essential Oils, Candles and Energy Clearing tools such as White Sage and Palo Santo. To be able to reach more people around Australia, I decided to turn The Wild Healer’s Crystal Shop into an Online Store. Spiritual convenient shopping with conservation and ethical sourcing in mind, sent to you in 100% recyclable packaging! As The Wild Healer evolved and grew, I tried to incorporate other beautiful healing modalities. On a visit to the UK a few years ago, my mum took me to a Crystal Singing Bowl Gong Bath. The experience of ‘seeing sound’, colours and guides, knocked my socks off! It was so intense that I knew that it wouldn’t be too long before I bought Sound Healing to The Wild Healer. From this, Crystal Sound Baths were born! Bathing in pure Quartz Crystal tones helps to align your Energy Centres and open your Chakras. This allows you to explore Higher Realms and expanded states of Consciousness. Sound Healing has been used for thousands of years and has a wide range of health benefits including the alleviation of depression, stress and anxiety. For many years I have been shown new ways of working by my clients. Requests were made for a mentorship programme, so I created Lessons Of The Light. This is a service designed to help you advance your own gifts in a way that’s most natural to you. After years of being begged by clients to come out of The Reiki Babe Cave and host group sessions, I finally surrendered and began group Healing Crystal Sound Baths. I have been so blessed and entirely over the moon at this venture as each event has sold out. It’s always a lesson to trust what is meant for you, let go of fear and listen to your calling. One of my proudest achievements for The Wild Healer to this day, is maintaining a solid 5 Star Review rating on all platforms. Each Testimonial has been so personal, touching and heart felt. I feel truly blessed to be able to connect with so many beautiful souls, every single day. Without you, The Wild Healer wouldn’t be where she is today. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I look forward to where this journey takes The Wild Healer and how its exquisiteness continues to unfold. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #enlightenment #wellbeing #meditation #spirituality #mindful #raiseyourvibration #healthychanges #mindbody #holistic #holistichealth #crystalhealing #crystalsandmindfullness #tarotcommunity #tarottribe #starseed #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife #tarotcards #tarotreading #psychic #reikidarwin #clairvoyant #crystalshopsdarwin #crystalhealing #crystalshopsindarwin #crystal #crystalshopsnearme Picture Credit: @lillianliuphotography

  • The Social Media ‘Gloss’ - Curated Elements vs. Reality...

    A lot of the time we spend our lives looking out, instead of tuning in. We compare ourselves to the masks that others wear and the lifestyles they portray. I think that the best most recent example of this in celebrity culture, is Khloé Kardashian’s pool side unedited photo ‘scandal’. She is quite literally harassing the internet because the truth slipped, and her charade could no longer be sustained. Her main complaint is that society puts so much pressure on those in the spotlight to be this perfect version of whatever they require from you on a day-to-day basis. The irony is that the ramifications of the slip, is befuddlement that she felt the need to alter her images and there has been a flooding of genuine support from people. Her body is normal, she is a person, and no one is shaming her for that. In fact, it’s had quite a compacting effect on Khloe’s mental health because it’s a monster that her family set the bar for and help to perpetuate. So where does this negative energy come from? If the people receiving the information hate it, and those in the spotlight don’t align, where does the sabotaging culture come from? You guessed it, the media! A lot of what TikTok has been discussing recently is the comeback of the low-rise jeans. Images are resurfacing of the starved celebrities, emaciated by substance abuse and eating disorders when the fashion first came in. This was a generation’s ‘role model’ culture, it is what we were told we had to align with. Women are being extremely triggered and have serious concerns for what this means for those young impressionable girls who are stepping into this fashion trend. All of these shallow, toxic pools reconnect to the rising of the feminine. Women have experienced persecution in so many ways and are aware of how to eliminate these wounds in the here and now. We need to stop projecting outwardly that our lives are perfect. We know that this is a false narrative. What we need is more reality, and this truth can be ugly to look at. This version doesn’t look glossy or polished, why? Because life never is. This cultivated surface appearance is a falsity to keep us asleep, keep us dreaming about the unobtainable. We can bring these elements into our day-to-day interactions. How many people do you know that are dealing with dark things behind closed doors and continue to put up smiling selfies and inspirational quotes on social platforms? How many times do you bump into someone and do the classic interaction of: “Hi, how are you?” “Yeah good thanks, how are you?” “Yeah good.” Side stepping reality because we know we’re both dying inside… I literally had this conversation with a check out lady yesterday. I have a trapped sciatic nerve and am in absolute agony, I am standing at the desk with a heavy-duty pain killer and a look of death on my face and we did this ridiculous social dance. We need to stop perpetuating this narrative that we are all fine and that we are living our best lives. To always be positive is toxic and false. It’s good to look on the bright side of things, but to ignore and suppress reality and truth is destructive. The ones who I most admire, talk about their darkness. Not to gain attention, but to keep it real and to educate those around them about what they’re experiencing. This starts a conversation that will help more people understand and support those who are enduring the same. Dear Earth Angels, the truth won’t make you fall from grace, the truth will set you free. Be brave and remove the gloss, you don’t know how much of a hero you are when you do. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #enlightenment #wellbeing #meditation #spirituality #mindful #raiseyourvibration #healthychanges #mindbody #holistic #holistichealth #crystalhealing #crystalsandmindfullness #tarotcommunity #tarottribe #starseed #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife Picture Credit: @bellakotak

  • Releasing the Narcissistic Narrative…

    Thanks to more public acknowledgement about phycological behaviours, we have more understanding for personality types. We are all now quite well versed with how narcissists operate and are able to spot them a little easier when we encounter one. The thing that we still need to work on though, is how to help the victims of abuse within society. So often I have clients that talk about their experience and have sought help from a counsellor and have been met with ‘leave them and cut them out of your life’ as a response. While it’s all well and good, actioning the removal of negativity from your life, it runs much deeper than this. It takes a huge amount of courage for a victim to recognise that they’ve been hoodwinked, and much more to even acknowledge their reality. By this time of recognition, victims will have already experienced months or even years of conditioning, and this is no small task to simply undo. Victims will have adapted to withdrawing from social circles and family, making it much harder for them to reach out for help. In order to survive, you must align with the narcissist’s views and way of doing things to feel safe in their environment. If you step out of this, or take a stance, you are berated with attacking and socially destroying actions. So straight off the bat, the victim has to reach a point of being strong enough to admit that they no longer feel safe and need help to remove themselves from their toxic situation. Most often, the first point of call is professional help in the form of a counsellor or psychologist. Second to this, is whatever team of support has remained loyal to them during their time of withdrawal. A lot of what is drilled into the mindset of the victim is that they have to ‘keep the secrets’ of the narcissist. Victims will remain loyal to the narcissist as part of their conditioning. Not only this, but if a victim speaks out to friends or family about negative aspects of their relationship when times are bad, it will interfere with the relationship when things resume to a point of uplift and positivity. Therefore, the victim is less likely to speak out negatively because they crave to resume to a safe and happy part of their experience. All of these situations have a drastic impact, not only to the mental health of the victim, but their physical health also. Much of my teachings with energy work revolves around how ‘energy flows where attention goes’. Anything that is not acknowledged within your emotional states, is suppressed and pushed down, and they simply become physical manifestations of that trapped energy. This is why throat chakras are often very blocked for people who struggle to express themselves due to how they are treated within relationships. Once the victim has finally plucked up the courage to remove themselves from the manipulations of the narcissist, they face the reality of rebuilding their life, body, mind and soul. A lot of the time, they struggle to reach out to friends and family to talk about their experience for fear of rejection once again. They have been beaten down mentally and have such little self-esteem that, spreading their wings and flying again seems like a daunting task. Quite often, you still won’t hear them speak out against their captor. This is how deep the loyalty still sits with them, to protect the reputation of the abuser. The narcissist will never acknowledge their poor behaviour or participation in the situation. So, when the victim does come forward and tries to speak to friends or family for support, they look like ‘the crazy one’ or the bad person for berating the reputation of the narcissist. Unfortunately, this is where the victim, yet again experiences persecution for speaking up for themselves. This only drives harder for social circles to side with and express support for the abuser. So here is my request. When someone, anyone, comes to you with the smallest of voices and expresses their experience of feeling unsafe; hold space for them. Most importantly, do so without judgement. You haven’t walked in their shoes; you know nothing about their journey. Actions speak louder than words. Know that if they have found some god given strength in themselves to come forward and speak out, be the pillar of strength that they need. They have fought long and hard to even get to this point and they feel that you are their safest option to open up to. That is a privilege, never forget this. We need to be more encouraging as a society to reward those for speaking up, because it allows others to feel safe to do the same. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #enlightenment #wellbeing #meditation #spirituality #mindful #raiseyourvibration #healthychanges #mindbody #holistic #holistichealth #crystalhealing #crystalsandmindfullness #tarotcommunity #tarottribe #starseed #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #ntaustralia #darwin #darwinlife Picture Credit: @irinadzhul

  • Spring Equinox & Ostara Celebrations...

    Why is it that whenever there is a Solstice or an Equinox, the cats and my guides wake me up at stupid o’clock and make me stand outside. So here I am, candles, coffee and watching the sunrise on this beautiful day. I guess old habits and past lives die hard. It’s no secret that I’ve been a healer many lives over, but with these ancient gifts, comes the practice of honouring the earth, celebrating the change in season and her planetary alignments. Harnessing the energies of the seasons while they’re with us, helps to strengthen our connections. As I sit writing, a flock of white cockatoos fly overhead, calling and howling to honour the morning. These birds represent the angelic realms, and spirit communications. Today is loud, it is a celebration. Ostara is the Sabbat celebrated in the Northern hemisphere and Mabon in the South. It is rather strange that consumerism commands what we celebrate here in Australia. Easter is connected to eggs and spring, yet the season is turning to Autumn. At Christmas, Australia experiences summer, yet commercialism is still affiliated with snow, and warm spices. Even though I am situated in the Southern hemisphere, I live in the furthest North of Australia and here we only experience two seasons, Wet and Dry. I find that typically the weather dynamics in Darwin present in the same way that the UK does, my place of birth. Wet/Winter and Dry/Summer, so I still celebrate the seasons according to the Northern Hemisphere and its practice. Ostara is tied with the Equinox, and celebrates the beginning of Spring, new life, love and fertility. Leading up to this, lots of clearing will have taken place, both physically and energetically. ‘Spring Cleaning’ is the ritual of ‘out with the old and in with the new’. We are able to assess things that may have shifted or are out of balance and reconsider our priorities. Therefore, this is a perfect time to connect into the magic of the season. Abundance, manifesting, balance and getting rid of what no longer serves you. The main symbolisms for this Sabbat are spring flowers, pastel colours and eggs. Why? The flowers are what typically grow at this time of year and the colours that bloom are usually pastels. Think snow drops, daffodils, crocus, dandelions, iris and roses. Greens, pinks, yellows and lavenders. Spring represents a fresh start and the best way to celebrate is to plant seeds with intentions, both figuratively and literally. So, what’s with the painted eggs and chocolate you ask? Well, eggs are a symbol for new life within. Typically, the eggshells are coloured, painted with symbols and used for decorations. Symbols of the God, Goddess, fertility, the sun, unity, fire, water, agriculture, prosperity, growth, strength, wisdom, love and protection. Eggs were dyed using natural colours found in nature; to create yellow use turmeric, to create blue use red cabbage, and for pinks and purples use beetroot. Celebrations usually come with a meal, and for this season hot crossed buns and sweet cakes are typically associated, however commercialisms have included chocolate and incorporated the egg symbology. After the celebratory meal was had, people used to crush the decorative eggshells and cast them out into their gardens. While this has an energetic purpose of casting your intentions out into the universe, it’s also a natural deterrent for slugs and snails in your vegetable and flower beds! So today, I will be busy baking my grandmothers famous Lemon Drizzle Cake and buying some pretty and bright flowers. What will you be doing to embrace this change of season? ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #witch #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @bellakotak

  • Great! We get a day… but what about the real issues?

    International women’s day seems to have turned into a Media splash to celebrate the strong and courageous women of the world, collective female connection and a fluffy image to portray us as equals. Well, I’m going to be the bitch to say it. Hogwash! We seem to have tied the feminine up in a neat little bow to celebrate how far we’ve come, and it belittles how far we still have left to go. Let’s have a look at what women are struggling with today in 2021, on our special day… Did you know that up until a month ago, it was still illegal to have an abortion in South Australia? That’s right, the Legislative Council passed the bill on 3 December 2020, and the South Australian House of Assembly passed it on 19 February 2021 by 29 votes to 15. That’s right, 15 of those votes were to keep abortion illegal! Released yesterday, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Megan Markle regarding her experience leaving the Royal Family and the way she was treated. Megan has been entirely dragged through the mud over bullying claims, for not fitting in or wanting to keep quiet about the control she was experiencing. Meanwhile Prince Andrew who was blatantly involved with the underage sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein; has yet to be properly investigated for underaged sex allegations. Even the Monarchy are exemplifying the drastic difference in treatment of the men and women they hold close. Each year we have to sit all cosy on Christmas and swallow old Lizzy’s bullshit speech about ‘peace on Earth, and goodwill toward men’… Come on Betty, shout out for the ladies please?! Getting back to Australia, pointing to the capital. The recent rape allegations that were initially covered up are now being investigated. Scomo had to be reminded by his wife that his daughters could be subject to this type of abuse, and therefore should consider this a problem. Shout out to the lady wearing the trousers in that relationship and also, do we seriously have to remind the men in power to protect their women? Only last week, the ADF chief's advice to female cadets was to avoid alcohol and going out alone while being “attractive”, so as not to become a target for sexual predators. This language not only instils that it is a women’s job to not become a victim of abuse, but also sets a precedence for societal acceptance that men casually assume the role of sexual abuser. Even just these few examples stem from ‘leading world countries’, I daren’t even touch upon countries where women are still stoned to death for infidelity. I regularly encounter clients who have to ask for permission from their husbands to sit with me for Tarot Card Readings or Healing. At times I have even had the husbands show up to my door insisting that they must come in for the session too, who were promptly turned away. This ladies, is why I have a ‘no extra person’ policy! This will never change. It is my moral duty to create a safe space for my client, so that they can open up and express exactly what they are experiencing, irrelevant of societal expectations. This is just a day-to-day experience to show that even in our own lives, we are still dealing with inequality and injustice for women. It’s not good enough. Thanks for the day, but I’d rather that the real issues got sorted out. The rising of the feminine is a movement, she is birthing, she is spreading her wings but she still has a long way to go before she can fly. ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #witch #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @fotosto_vk

  • Are you choosing happiness?

    I have avoided the world media for about 3 months. I’m not in denial about the difficulties being experienced around the globe but decided that there was no point panicking about so many things that were out of my control. Facebook in Australia decided to ban all forms of News from our feeds, and after much controversy, they are now in the mist of switching it back on. This morning I thought I would dip my toe and have a scroll through the top stories. I think what horrified me was the disturbing language used as ‘grabs’ for headlines. And worse, important subjects that are clearly being suppressed and controlled by certain media platforms. I haven’t had that much directed fear shoved down my throat for a very long time and it hasn’t sat right. A lot of the collective anxiety that has been felt on global scale, has been the widespread panic through media. They say that knowledge is power, sure it’s good to know stuff. But do you know what’s more powerful? Saying no thank you to being controlled in what to think and when. Facebook banning news in Australia has been a hot topic filled with opinions. Agreed, we should have the ability to connect with important messages, particularly in a time of a pandemic. However, so much of our social feeds have become less social, and more ‘buy this and be scared of that’. If you have an avid interest in a subject, research it through your own choosing. If you feel that something isn’t right in the information that news sources are providing, dig a little deeper. A lot of the yuck that hovers above this energy is the panic of sheep running in all directions, arguing about who is right and who is wrong. Part of this consciousness is choosing where to put our energy. Remember that Energy flows where Attention goes. If all of your day is consumed by looking for terrifying or stressful situations, then your experience of life is going to resonate at exactly that. A lot of the work that I do with clients, is not getting them to change their entire life, that would be silly. We simply work on fine tuning what they chose to experience. If you can’t change your situation, change your mindset towards it. Example: If ‘passive aggressive Linda’ in the office is causing you to have a meltdown, focus on creating something positive from your experience in that environment. Remember, we can’t change anyone around us, we can only ever change ourselves. Change up the energy you are connecting with. Buy a plant for your desk and change your screen saver. Open a window and look at the sunlight. Play relaxing music to change the atmosphere around you. Most importantly, stop giving a fuck about Linda! Your peace and happiness is too expensive, and she can’t afford it. So, stop giving it away for free! If you, in your body and physical space, are not experiencing pain or suffering, then stop choosing to feel low in your energy. Happiness is a choice, filling your mind with monkey chatter is a choice. One will have immense health issues and the other with encourage your brain to open up to new ways of experiencing life. Which are you choosing? I’m lucky to be working with so many people around the world, helping them to ground and reconnect with themselves. Normal life is still happening, in spite of the 2020/21 narratives. If you are in need of help with calming and aligning yourself, please get in touch. There is love in the world, there is goodness in people. 💗 If you are reading this, I send you love. Smile gorgeous 😁 It looks great on you 😘 ————————————————————— ~ The Wild Healer ~ ONLINE STORE & SERVICES Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light #thewildhealer #reiki #tarot #healing #energyhealing #animalcommunication #animalhealing #crystals #witch #soundhealing #higherconsciousness #higherfrequency #enlightenment #spiritualgrowth #wellbeing #metaphysical #darwinnt #northernterritory #nt #darwin Picture Credit: @bellakotak

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